Aviation System Block Upgrade (ASBU) Implementation Monitoring Report

The ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan, (GANP) Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBU) methodology is a programmatic and flexible global approach that allows all Member States to advance their Air Navigation capacities based on their specific operational requirements.


The Block Upgrades aim to enable aviation to realise the global harmonization, increased capacity, and improved environmental efficiency that modern air traffic growth now demands in every region around the world.


Member States, through the ASBUs framework, work with ICAO, their Air Navigation Service Providers and industry stakeholders to advance their air navigation capabilities and systems based on specific operational requirements and to implement them in a harmonised and timely fashion to maximise the capacity, safety and efficiency of air traffic.


The 10th Edition of the EUR ASBU Implementation Monitoring Report is based on the 7th Edition of the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) and was endorsed at the 41st ICAO Assembly in October 2022. The report summarizes the implementation progress of 79 ASBU Block 0 and Block 1 Elements and indicates what has been achieved so far, together with the future perspective of implementation in accordance with planning dates reported by States.


The ICAO EUR Region covers 55 States. Two main data sources were consulted in order to produce the report: EUROCONTROL LSSIP mechanism for 43 States and a dedicated questionnaire for the remaining 9 states outside the LSSIP mechanism.

Previous versions of the ASBU implementation monitoring report, which have been jointly developed by the 

ICAO EUR/NAT office and EUROCONTROL, can be found here:


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