Workshop on safety data analysis and safety performance monitoring - 7 to 8 April 2020

A workshop on safety data analysis and safety performance monitoring, originally scheduled to be held in the ICAO European and North Atlantic Regional Office in Paris, France on 7 and 8 April 2020 was actually conducted remotely on Webex platform due to COVID-19 outbreak.

The objective of the workshop was to determine the specifications, data source, availability and limitations for the safety indicators to be included in the Regional Aviation Safety Plan for the EUR Region (EUR RASP), and associated to one of the 6 goals from the 2020-2022 edition of the Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP, ICAO Doc 10004):

  • Goal 1 is to achieve a continuous reduction of operational safety risks.
  • Goal 2 calls for all States to strengthen their safety oversight capabilities.
  • Goal 3 is also aimed at individual States and calls for the implementation of effective SSPs.
  • Goal 4 calls for States to increase collaboration at the regional level to enhance safety.
  • Goal 5 aims to expand the use of industry programmes.
  • Goal 6 focuses on the need to ensure the appropriate infrastructure is available to support safe operations.

A total of 44 EUR Safety Performance Indicators (EUR SPI) were reviewed by the workshop participants, who also provided recommendations on their inclusion into the EUR RASP 2020-2024, to be validated by EASPG. These EUR SPIs will be used to measure EUR safety performance. They will be able to be traced to the GASP goals and allow to provide all stakeholders with up-to-date information on the progress made in achieving the regional goals and targets, as well as help measuring the effects of the initiatives implemented in the EUR Region to enhance safety. A total of 28 participants from 11 States and 4 international organizations attended the online workshop.

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