RWGAO/02 - 16 to 17 June 2022

The Second meeting of the Regional Working Group on Aerodrome Operations (RWGAO/02) was held in a hybrid format in the ICAO European and North Atlantic office from 16 to 17 June 2022.


The meeting, which was attend by 69 participants from 40 States, progressed the elaboration of its Work Programme proposal which is planned to be presented at the EASPG/4 meeting for endorsement in December 2022. The meeting discussed matters arising from the provision of ATS by using remote towers as well as proposals to update the EUR ANP (AOP Part). Other topics related, inter alia, to the outcome of the ADOP/4 meeting on Obstacle Limitation surfaces (OLS), the concept of Performance Based Aerodrome Operating Minima (PBAOM), the air navigation deficiencies pertaining to aerodrome operations and the GNSS radio frequency interference were addressed as well.

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