Joint ICAO EUR/NAT and World Food Programme Aviation Safety Campaign workshop - 2 to 3 March 2023, Paris, France.

The joint ICAO EUR/NAT and World Food Programme Aviation Safety Campaign workshop was held on 2-3 March 2023 in Paris, France. The workshop was attended by 48 participants from States, air operators, industry and international organizations.


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The discussions focused on coordinated measures to support the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS), managed by the World Food Programme, delivering vital humanitarian assistance in support of wide-ranging humanitarian goals.

The workshop supported the ICAO work in the Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response in Aviation (HADRA) framework to enhance preparedness and response capabilities of States, aviation stakeholders and humanitarian stakeholders in the event of a disaster. The challenges faced by World Food Programme humanitarian air operations were also discussed as well as the introduction of innovative approaches such us use of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) and airships for delivery of humanitarian operations and at the same time ensure their safety, security and environmental sustainability.

It was agreed that these joint events should continue on annual basis to allow States, operators, industry, the World Food Programme and ICAO to meet and exchange the latest updates, challenges and solutions to support effective and efficient humanitarian operations.

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