ICAO EUR/NAT Aviation Security Training Center Directors virtual meeting (ASTCD/06) - 17 September 2020

The sixth meeting of the EUR/NAT Aviation Security Training Center (ASTC) Directors (ASTCD/06) was conducted virtually on 17 September 2020.


The ASTC regional Directors meeting is a regional platform for exchange, coordination and cooperation between the training centers with the objective to provide optimal support to the States in training and Capacity Building efforts. This annual event also provides for the opportunity for discussions of challenges faced, raising proposals for improvement and preparation for the regional contribution to the global ASTC Directors meeting.


This year, meeting was focused on the challenges imposed by COVID-19 and the ways to continue uninterrupted provision of training globally and regionally. ICAO HQ undertakes efforts to adapt essential training courses to virtual format and provide relevant training to ASTCs to be able to conduct the training courses using online tools when needed. 


Regardless of the current complicated circumstances, development of new training packages are ongoing in support of implementation of the five key priorities of the Global Aviation Security Plan (GASeP) such as cybersecurity, insider threat, security culture, behavior detection, etc. The regional ASTCs are eager to engage in provision of newly developed courses to States in the region.


The States appreciate presence of ICAO-endorsed Aviation Security Training Centers in EUR/NAT regions. It is regularly stressed that the courses conducted at ASTCs assist States greatly in building competent teams of national Aviation Security experts and maintaining sustainable Aviation Security System  in areas such Oversight and Quality Control, Risk Assessment and Crisis Management and more. Courses are delivered in English, French and Russian languages depending on the area in the regions, respectively.  


Nine Directors and several coordinators were present out of 11 regional ASTCs, among them four newly appointed directors for Almaty, Kyiv–Boryspil, Minsk and Toulouse ASTCs.

More information on the ASTC https://www.icao.int/security/isd/training/Pages/ASTCs.aspx


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