The ICAO Regional Office hosted the ICAO Safety data analysis and prioritization workshop in Paris, France. The workshop was designed for safety analysts, experts involved in collection, processing, analyzing of safety data and information, and professionals in risk assessment and prioritization of related safety actions in aviation.

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The Civil Aviation Authority of the United Kingdom shared its experience and all participants were invited to contribute to the event.
The focus was on practical tools to collect and analyze the safety data (web scrapping, text and sentiment analysis, Power BI, correlation and forecasting techniques), to identify the root causes and barriers (BowTie), to develop leading and lagging safety performance indicators. It was agreed to enlarge the community of safety data analysts and continue exchanging on new ideas, like usage of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data analysis, automated decision making, etc.
The workshop was attended by 36 participants from 19 States and representatives from 4 international organizations.
Materials can be found here.