The North Atlantic Safety Oversight Group (NAT SOG) works under the North Atlantic Systems Planning Group (NAT SPG), the first regional planning group established by the Council of ICAO. The NAT SOG reviews system safety performance in the NAT Region by sharing data on safety-related occurrences, revising safety monitoring methods, analyzing safety Key Performance Indicators established for the ICAO NAT Region, identifying areas where mitigation is required and assessing the effectiveness of implemented mitigation measures.
Since its inception, ICAO has long recognized the valuable contribution of the Group, which has been at the forefront of the advancement of civil aviation matters. Today, Ms. Jennifer Kileo, International Integration Staff Manager at the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States of America was elected Chairperson by the NAT SOG/28. Ms. Kileo will succeed Mr. Thomas Kirkhope, who is stepping down after years of valuable leadership.
Ms. Kileo has represented the United States in the NAT SOG since 2018, serving as vice chair for the NAT SOG since 2019. Jennifer is a passionate advocate for international harmonization, proactively fostering collaboration and information-sharing to identify challenges and opportunities to increase efficiency and improve regional as well as global aviation safety.