The EUR/NAT AVSEC Group held its eleventh meeting from 5 to 8 March 2024 in the premises of the ICAO Regional Office in Paris. Representatives from 24 States, 7 international and regional organizations and 1 ICAO Aviation Security Training Centre attended the meeting. The ENAVSECG/11 was chaired by a team of 3 chairpersons from France, Latvia and Kazakhstan.
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Participants were provided with an update on the ICAO AVSEC and Cybersecurity (CYSEC) global and regional developments , including the outcomes of AVSEC Panel/34 (AVSECP/34), CYSECPanel/2, new guidance material developed, the status of USAP-CMA results in the EUR/NAT regions and an insight on the development of the 2nd Edition of the Global Aviation Security Plan (GASeP) .
The Meeting discussed a number of subjects, e.g. new technological developments and their impact on human beings in the AVSEC world, such as Artificial Intelligence; sophisticated screening technology and adapted test procedures; AVSEC reporting procedures; elaborated training and oversight and the interdependencies of AVSEC and safety/air navigation. The latter subject was highlighting the importance and the understanding that new challenges in the aviation world need to be approached holistically.
The next ENAVSECG meeting, ENAVSECG/12, will be held in spring 2025.