The fifth meeting of the ECHO initiative group was conducted in the ICAO Regional Office Paris on 19 and 20 April 2023. This sub-working Group reporting to ENAVSECG comprises of Member States representing different geographical areas in the EUR/NAT regions, Regional Organizations and industry. In its fifth meeting, the group welcomed new members from the UK, the USA, Uzbekistan and Switzerland.
The WG continued its work to define practical and feasible ways with the aim to:
- offer capacity building opportunities in an organized manner encompassing all active entities ;
- help States in need to find the best support for a defined deficiency.
Importantly, ECHO focused on the results from the ICAO Universal Audit Programme - Continous Monitoring Approach (USAP-CMA) for States in the EUR/NAT regions and recognized that there were certain common areas of concern for all States. To better understand and act on these concerns, the group expressed the need for a more precise root cause analysis to understand where the deficiencies come from. Taking into account confidential nature of USAP-CMA, the ECHO will consider working with a sanitized version of the results.
Nineteen (19) participants attended the meeting: eight (8) representatives from States and seven (7) from Regional Organizations and Industry.

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