EASPG/03 30 November to 2 December 2021

The Third Meeting of the European Aviation System Planning Group (EASPG) took place in the ICAO EUR/NAT premises in a hybrid format from 30 November to 2 December 2021. The Meeting noted the report of the latest EUR/NAT DGCA meeting on regional crisis management which was held, in cooperation with EASA on 29 September 2021. The EASPG meeting supported the proposal to amend the current version of the ICAO EUR Doc 031 (ICAO EUR Crisis Management Framework) with lessons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic crisis.

The EASPG meeting discussed as well the significant international aviation developments at ICAO such as the HLCC 2021 Outcomes, the No-Country left behind and technical assistance activities undertaken by the ICAO EUR/NAT Office as well as updates from States and Regional Organizations. The meeting reviewed as well all the regional work programme in the areas of Aviation Safety, Air Navigation planning and implementation, and Environment. The meeting also endorsed the ICAO EUR ASBU Implementation Monitoring report and the EUR Annual Safety Report (EUR ASR 2020), as well as the EUR OPS Bulletin on Loss of Communication, which can all be downloaded from the EUR/NAT website.

The hybrid meeting was attended by 159 participants from 44 States, 9 international organisations and 2 Industries. The EASPG/4 meeting will take place from 29 November to 1st December 2022 in Paris.

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