Welcome to the ICAO Asia and Pacific (APAC) Office The Asia and Pacific Office was established in Melbourne, Australia in 1948 as the Far East & Pacific Office. The Office was relocated to Bangkok, Thailand in 1955 and renamed as the Asia and Pacific Office (APAC) in 1980. The Regional Sub-Office (RSO) was inaugurated on 27 June 2013 and is hosted in Beijing by the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC). The APAC Office is accredited to 39 contracting States, and maintains liaison with two Special Administrative Regions of China and 13 other Territories. The Asia/Pacific Region covers vast airspace, with 49 Flight Information Regions. The primary role of the APAC Office is to foster the planning and implementation by the States of the ICAO provisions: International Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS) and Regional Air Navigation Planning, for the safety, security and efficiency of air transport. The diversity of the APAC Region as reflected in the different levels of air navigation system development and implementation of aviation security provisions, coupled with continued air traffic growth posed a major challenge. The attainment of safe, secure and environmental friendly air transportation across the Region will require a strong commitment and close collaboration amongst States, the aviation industry, and safety/security partners to ensure integrity, capacity building and support for ICAO initiatives. The APAC Office pledges its support to stakeholders and will continue its efforts to oversee the highest levels of aviation achievement in the Region. 