​State Action Plan Initiative on CO2 Emissions Reduction

 (Video Teleconference, 18 August 2022)

Online Registration (Click this Link to Register)

Facilitators:      Mr. Peter Dunda, Regional Officer, MET and ENV
                           Mr. Sayuta Senobua, Regional Officer, Environment and Climate Change

Speakers:          Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

Content: To promote the importance of the ICAO’s State Action Plan (SAP) initiative in reducing carbon emissions in the aviation sector through various innovative measures. Concluding message will be to highlight the SAP initiative as a means for States to take practical and concrete action to reduce the impact of aviation on the global climate.

collapse Type Name : 2022 State Action Plan Initiative on CO2 Emissions Reduction ‎(7)
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(4)
O 7-1 ICAO APAC Webinars 2022.pdf01Webinar Invitation Letter30 March 2022Secretariat 
Attachment A - Program Outline.pdf02Attachment A - Webinars Program Outline30 March 2022Secretariat 
Attachment B - Online Registration Guidelines.pdf03Attachment B - Webinars Online Registration Guidelines30 March 2022Secretariat 
Pigeonhole.pdf04Pigeonhole State Action Plan Initiative on CO2 18 August 2022Secretariat 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(3)
Session 1_SAP and New Activities.pdf05State Action Plan and New Activities 18 August 2022Secretariat 
Session 2 SAP Development Process and Progress in APAC.pdf06State Action Plan Development Process and Progress in APAC18 August 2022Secretariat 
QA_SAP Webinar 18Aug2022_final.pdf07Q&A 23 August 2022Secretariat 


For further information please contact:

Mr. Peter Dunda

       Mr. Sayuta Senobua

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