​Implementation of CORSIA

(Video Teleconference, 30 June 2022)

Online Registration (Click this Link to Register)

Facilitators:        Mr. Peter Dunda, Regional Officer, MET and ENV
                            Mr. Sayuta Senobua, Regional Officer, Environment and Climate Change 

Speakers:          Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

Content: To share the implementation elements of the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), in particular the provisions of CORSIA monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) and the reporting of data to ICAO through the CORSIA Central Registry (CCR).

collapse Type Name : 2022 Implementation of CORSIA ‎(6)
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(4)
O 7-1 ICAO APAC Webinars 2022.pdf01Webinar Invitation Letter31 March 2022Secretariat 
Attachment A - Program Outline.pdf02Attachment A - Webinar Program Outline 31 March 2022Secretariat 
Attachment B - Online Registration Guidelines.pdf03Attachment B - Webinars Online Registration Guidelines31 March 2022Secretariat 
QRCode.pdf04Pigeonhole QR Code30 June 2022Secretariat 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(2)
CORSIA Implementation webinar 30June2022_Section1-2-3_v1.pdf01Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) Implementation30 June 2022Secretariat 
QA_CORSIA Webinar 30June2022_final.pdf02Q&A summary 30 June 2022Secretariat 


For further information please contact:

Mr. Peter Dunda

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