
​Day 1, Tuesday, 7 October 2014


Solutions-Oriented Workshop

    1. Mühlbauer ID Services GmbH
    2. HID Global Corporation
    3. Crane Currency
    4. Entrust
    5. Safran Morpho
    6. EDAPS Consortium
    7. Giesecke & Devrient GmbH
    8. NXP Semiconductors


MRTD Symposium



    1. Mr. Jim Marriott, Deputy Director, Aviation Security and Facilitation, ICAO
    2. H.E. Ambassador Raimonda Murmokaite, Chair, UNCTC; Permanent Representative of Lithuania to the UN
    3. H.E. Aníbal Florencio Randazzo, Minister of Interior and Transport, Argentina
    4. Mr. Michael O'Connell, Director, Operational Police Support, INTERPOL


ICAO's Global Leadership in Setting SARPs on Traveller Identification Management
Moderator: Mr. Barry Kefauver, ICAO TAG/MRTD Expert, ISO, United States

    1. ICAO TRIP Strategy: Agenda for the Future
      Mr. Mauricio Siciliano, ICAO TRIP Officer, ICAO
    2. Evolving ICAO MRTD Specifications, Coming Soon:
      The New Seventh edition of Doc 9303
      Mr. Tom Kinneging, Senior Expert Standardization, Morpho, Convenor of ISO/IEC JTC1 SC17 Working Group 3
    3. The 24 November 2015 Deadline: Meeting the Challenge
      Mr. Erik Slavenas, Programme Officer, ICAO TRIP


Lunch Sponsor's presentation


Reception Sponsor's presentation



Day 2,  Wednesday 8 October 2014


PKD Discussion Panel
Moderator: Mr. Roman Vanek, PKD Chair, Chief Division Identity Documents and Special Tasks
Federal Office of Police, Switzerland


    1. PKD: A "Win-Win" Tool for Border Control Agencies, eMRTD Issuers and Travellers
      Mr. Roman Vanek 
    2. Joining the ICAO PKD: Taking Full Advantage of Being and Active PKD Member
      Ms. Christiane DerMarkar, PKD Officer, ICAO
    3. ICAO PKD: Current State of Play
      Mr. R.Rajeshkumar, Chief Executive, Auctorizium Pte Ltd
    4. Development Process of the Platforms: PKD and SPOC in Spain
      Mrs. Esther Fernandez, Police Officer, National Police, Spain


MRTDs: Document Issuance and Control
Moderator: Mr. Gary McDonald, Senior Consultant Identisec, Former Director General, Legislation and International Relations, Passport Canada; and former NTWG Chair

    1. LDS2: Explaining the Concept and Dispelling Myths
      Mr. Jasper Mutsaers, Research & Development Advisor Travel Documents, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Personal Record and Travel Document Agency, the Netherlands
    2. A Tale of the Unexpected - What to do when the Upturn Arrives?
      Mr. Stephen Chapman, International Relations, Communications & Corporate Development Directorate, Her Majesty's Passport Office, United Kingdom
    3. Identification Management Today and Tomorrow:
      Learning from the Past, Keeping an Eye on the Future
      Mr. Gary McDonald
    4. Civil Registration and Vital Statistics:
      The Need for a Common Terminology and Alignment of Strategy to give it a Chance of Sustained Success
      Ms. Sophie Taylor, Programme Lead-Vital Event Registration, De La Rue Solutions, United Kingdom
    5. Seven Keys to the Identification Management Chain
      Mr. Steven Griner, Coordinator, Universal Civil Identity Programe of the Americas, OAS Department for Effective Public Management, OAS
    6. A European Perspective on Evidence of Identity
      Mr. Ronald Belser, ICBWG Expert, the Netherlands




MRTD Procurement: Discussion Panel

Moderator: Mr. Markus Hartmann, HJP Consulting GmbH, Germany
Chairman, Sub-Group Procurement Guide, ICBWG


    1. ICAO Guide on Procurement of MRTD-related Systems:
      Introduction to the What and Why of the Guide
      Mr. Markus Hartmann
    2. Requirements Setting from Two Perspectives
      Mr. Tony Dean, ISO Representative to the ICBWG


Receptions Sponsor's presentation



Day 3, Thursday, 9 October 2014



Inspection Systems and Tools, Interoperable Applications and Border Controls

Moderator: Mr. Tony Smith CBE, Managing Director Fortinus, Former Director General Border Force, United Kingdom

    1. Exit Control - the ePassport and Enhanced Standards-based Data Collection and Sharing
      Mr. Ross Greenwood, Principal, Identity Matters Consulting, Australia
    2. Chilean Integrated Identity System, Travel Documents, Immigration Control and Border Security
      Mr. Alejandro Vergara G., Engineer, Consular Management Technological Modernization, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chile and
      Mr. Joseph Gonzalo Palavecino E, Sub-inspector of Investigation Police in Chile
    3. Border Controls in Hong Kong: Challenges Solved and Lessons Learned
      Mr. Eric K.K. Chan, Director, Immigration Department, Hong Kong SAR, China
    4. Are e-Passports ready for Primetime?
      Mr. R. Rajeshkumar, Chief Executive, Auctorizium Pte Ltd.
    5. Border Controls: Lessons from the Past and Planning for the Future
      Mr. Tony Smith CBE, Managing Director Fortinus, Former Director General Border Force, United Kingdom
    6. Automated Border Control (ABC) Systems: Experience of the Netherlands in Managing Border Controls
      Mr. J.J.M (Hans) de Moel, Policy Officer, District Schiphol, Royal Marechaussee, the Netherlands
    7. MRTDs and Border Controls in Argentina
      Mr. Gastón Martin, IT Security Officer, Ministry of Interior and Transport, Argentina
    8. 24Cennet: 24 Hour Identity Verivication Centre Net
      Mr. Francisco J. Aranda, Head, Documentation Division, National Policy, Spain
    9. Exploring Visa and Border Controls: Baseline Study on Cross-Border Mobility in the OSCE Region
      Mr. Zoran Dokovic, Migration/Freedom of Movement Adviser, ODIHR, OSCE


Wrap-up and Closing

Mr. Barry Kefauver, ICAO TAG/MRTD Expert, ISO, United States





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