Side Events

Side Events


ICAO-SAA DGCAs Course on Aviation Safety


Course Programmes:


Date and time:

  • First Course: 31 January to 1 February (Saturday to Sunday), from 0815 to 1645
  • Second Course: 6 to 7 February 2015 (Friday to Saturday), from 0815 to 1645


Audience: Directors General of Civil Aviation and senior Government Officials


Objectives: This executive-level course will provide specific knowledge regarding the international civil aviation safety framework and its underlying principles, as well as the development of a national aviation safety framework that supports the development of civil aviation. The knowledge will enable DGs to carry out their responsibilities to ensure the effective management of aviation safety in their respective States.


Directors General and Senior Government Officials wishing to attend this two-day course should notify ICAO by e-mail to by 5 January 2015. As available seats are limited to 20 participants, please send your notification as soon as possible. As we anticipate high interest, first preference will be given to DGs with fewer than two years’ experience. ICAO will advise States of the successful course participation accordingly.


Please note that the course will be conducted in English only.






Information Session – Protection of Safety Information


Date and time: Monday, 2 February 2015 from 0930 to 1045 hours


Venue: ICAO Headquarters, Assembly Hall, 4th Floor


Audience: HLSC Participants


Objectives: This information session will involve a roundtable discussion regarding the key issues surrounding the protection of safety information collected for the purpose of maintaining or improving safety. Participants will have an opportunity to share their views and experience on different legal issues in order to ensure the availability of information required to effectively implement safety management systems and State safety programmes. In addition, this information session will provide a forum for States and industry stakeholders to ask questions of the panelists as well as to share their views on the information protection in the context of supporting an effective reporting culture.






Information Session – Safety Management Activities and Initiatives


Date and time: Monday, 2 February 2015 from 1115 to 1230 hours


Venue: ICAO Headquarters, Assembly Hall, 4th Floor


Audience: HLSC Participants


Objectives: Building on the previous information session, this session has been designed to provide attendees with an overview of how safety information is being used to address top issues in safety management. Presenters from Member States and Aviation Safety Partners will share their insights and experiences in State and industry-led safety initiatives that that are resulting in safety enhancements.






Information Session – Selected Emerging Issues


Date and time: Monday, 2 February 2015 from 1230 to 1300 hours


Venue: ICAO Headquarters, Assembly Hall, 4th Floor


Audience: HLSC Participants


Objectives: An number of emerging issues related to recent events will be discussed during HLSC2015 such as: the management of ebola; search and rescue practices; the risks to civil aviation arising from conflict zones; and the development of a future Global Distress Safety System (GADSS). This information session will focus on the latter two issues, and consists of presentations providing background and outlining current work to address:


  • risks associated with flight operations over areas of known conflict; and
  • enhancing the capability to track aircraft, locate an accident site and retrieve CVR and FDR data.






USOAP CMA Online Framework demonstration


Date and time: Tuesday, 3 February 2015 from 1100 to 1130 hours


Venue: Conference Room 5, 3rd floor


Audience: HLSC Participants


Objectives: This demonstration will illustrate the various Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) Continuous Monitoring Approach (CMA)-related modules of the Online Framework (OLF), including the Corrective Action Plan management, Protocol Question Self-Assessment and the State Dashboard. The characteristics of the OLF will be explained in terms of how it serves as a tool to perform safety oversight of States’ aviation activities and for ICAO to monitor States’ progress.






Information Session - USOAP CMA update


Date and time: Tuesday, 3 February 2015 from 1530 to 1600 hours


Venue: Conference Room 5, 3rd floor


Audience: HLSC Participants


Objectives: This information session will provide an update on the Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) Continuous Monitoring Approach (CMA) and give States an opportunity to ask questions and share experiences and lessons learned related to this monitoring programme.






SSP Gap Analysis Tool Workshop


Date and time: Wednesday, 4 February 2015 from 1100 to 1130 hours


Venue: Conference Room 5, 3rd floor


Audience: HLSC Participants


Objectives: This demonstration will provide an overview on how to complete a State Safety Programme (SSP) Gap Analysis using the tool developed by ICAO.


States, especially those with a USOAP effective implementation above 60 per cent, are invited to complete a SSP gap analysis using the tool found on iSTARS 2.0/SPACE1 before the end of 2014. The feedback received will facilitate the analysis to be shared during the Conference and provide valuable information regarding the progress being made by States in implementing SSP. Instructions for accessing iSTARS 2.0/SPACE can be found using this link:






SMTP demonstration


Date and time: Wednesday, 4 February 2015 from 1530 to 1600 hours


Venue: Conference Room 3, 1st floor


Audience: HLSC Participants


Objectives: This demonstration will present the features and functionalities of the new ICAO Safety Management Training Programme (SMTP), which has been designed with a blended approach of a computer-based training (CBT) and a face-to-face activity.






EFOD demonstration


Date and time: Thursday, 5 February 2015 from 1100 to 1130 hours


Venue: Conference Room 5, 3rd floor


Audience: HLSC Participants


Objectives: This demonstration will describe the process of States’ notification of differences to Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) using the Electronic Filing of Differences (EFOD) tool, the reporting modules available to track and manage these activities as well as reports of other States’ differences through the eSupplements.







Current Initiatives to Assist Accident Victims and Their Families


Date and time: Thursday, 5 February 2015 from 1500 to 1700 hours

Venue: ICAO Headquarters, Assembly Hall, 4th Floor

Audience: HLSC Participants

Objectives: This session will present existing relevant legislation and regulations of States along with recent developments aimed at improving the assistance to accident victims and their families. Additional information is available here.

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