



​ICAO has been called upon by the international civil aviation community to exercise leadership in the effort to reduce the number of runway-related accidents and incidents worldwide. Starting with the Global Runway Safety Symposium (GRSS), we aim to raise awareness and share information as a means to generate effective solutions.
As a result of the GRSS, ICAO and its Runway Safety Programme Partners are now working together on a series of concrete measures to minimize the risks of runway incursions, runway excursions and other events linked to runway safety by:



Establishing, promoting and enhancing multi-disciplinary

runway safety teams at individual airports.


On this site, you will find:

• What is being done to improve runway safety outcomes worldwide
• Best Practices related to runway safety from around the globe
• Information on our Regional Runway Safety Seminars (RRSS)
• Analysis of global runway safety data
• Tools for use by Runway Safety Teams designed to help them help themselves; and
• Links to useful runway safety documents provided by ICAO and our Runway Safety partners.




- Provide expert speakers and/or moderators for the GRSS;
- Support subsequent regional Runway Safety Workshops through provision of venues, speakers and logistic
  backup (either financial or technical);
- Promote the GRSS and the Runway Safety Programme through their media and networks;
- And contribute to the Runway Safety Programme through the provision of technical input.




For more information, please contact: Runwaysafety@icao.int


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