Indonesian Aviation Biofuels and Renewable Energy Task Force (ABRETF) | | Objective | |
ABRETF was established as one of supporting elements in executing Indonesia’s
National Action Plan to reduce GHG emission from the aviation sector. ABRETF
aims to reduce these emissions through utilization of sustainable alternative
fuels and renewable energy. The mid-term goal is to reinforce Indonesian
utilization of bio-jet fuel by 2018.
| Category Deployment Value-chain stepFull value-chain
Type of pathway Short-term: HEFA Mid-term: All Starting time and durationAugust 2014 -
Stakeholders Government, Feedstock producers, Oil companies, Airlines, Aviation Association, Airports,Universities
Regional scope National
Involved countries Indonesia
Status On-going | Description |
In December 2013 an MOU was
signed between the Ministry of Transportation (DGCA) and the Ministry of Energy
and Mineral Resources (Directorate General of Renewable Energy and Energy
Conservation – EBTKE) to pursue the use of aviation biofuels and renewable
energy at airports.
In August 2014 the Aviation
Biofuels and Renewable Energy Task Force (ABRETF) was created. This group
consists of four Sub Task Forces working on: formulation of policy, regulation
and capacity building program; research and development; testing and
certification; commercial, risk analysis and sustainability.
Since October 2014, the ICAO
Technical Cooperation Bureau has supported Indonesia ABRETF through the MSA
Annex 5 INS13801 project.
Based on the Ministry of
Energy and Mineral Resources Decree No. 25 Year 2013, the use of bio-jet fuel
has been mandated on a national level. This requires 2% bio jet fuel
blending in 2016, 3% by 2020, and 5% by 2025. Due to national
circumstances, the Task Force identified that the 2016 goal will not be
achieved. However, Indonesia oil producer has shown their commitment to start
production by late 2018, with a production capacity of 257,000 kl/year.
| Partners | |
Biofuels and Renewable Energy Task-Force (ABRETF): Ministry of Transportation,
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Finance, National
Development Planning Agency, Angkasa-Pura (airport operator), AirNav,
Garuda Indonesia, Indonesia AirAsia, IATA, Indonesian National Air Carriers
Association (INACA), Pertamina, UOP Honeywell, APROBI, Bandung Institute of
Technology, University of Indonesia, Padjadjaran University, Ikatan Ahli
Bioenergi Indonesia (IKABI)
| | Achievements to date | |
August 2014 : Establishment of Indonesia ABRETF August 2014 : 1st ABRETF workshop “Indonesia Initiatives on
Energy Farming & Sustainable Aviation Biofuels and the ISPO/RSPO Standard” August 2014 : ABRETF Secretariat office at Pertamina building is ready
to used October 2014 : Start of ICAO TCB support program December 2014 : Kick-off meeting regarding standardization of aviation
biofuels January 2015 : Indonesia’s national oil company and its partners
completed a feasibility study August 2015 : Indonesia ABRETF, in collaboration with national
stakeholders, held the 2nd International Green Aviation Conference in Denpasar
October 2015: Indonesia’s DGCA
and the U.S. FAA signed an MOU to promote the use of sustainable alternative
aviation fuels and additional environmental collaboration between the two
| | Contact information | | | |