17 August 2020, 0800 EDT Montreal time
Registration is closed. Recording is now available here.
As COVID-19 contingency measures begin to be lifted and services start to resume, States and Operators need to plan for the lifting of COVID-19 related extension and exemptions, and anticipate the needs as a result of deferred certificate validity renewals stacking up (i.e., the "bow wave") and other deferred actions. In line with safety management principles, ICAO has developed a tool to support States and organizations in their planning activities related to the aftermath of COVID-19 alleviation measures.
The primary context of the tool is the management of a possible backlog due to reduced activities during the COVID-19 crisis. The tool will also help States visualize the alleviations granted and establish a dialogue with operators to anticipate the demand of services better.
The webinar aims to create awareness of the issue and introduce the Monitoring and Planning Tool, to help States review the effect of alleviations granted and plan for normal resumption of activities using a data-driven approach. The tool is available here.
Capt. Miguel Marin, Chief, Operational Safety Section, ICAO

Gerda Paradatscher, Technical Officer, Personnel Licensing, ICAO

Nancy Amikura, Technical Officer, Safety Management, ICAO

Miguel Marin
Miguel A Marin graduated from Nathaniel Hawthorne College with a degree in Aviation Administration and has logged over 12,000 hours. He flew for Mexicana Airlines out of Mexico City for more than 24 years flying B-727s, DC-8s, and the Airbus 320 family of airplanes. During his aviation flying career, he held various management jobs with the airline in the Flight Operations and Flight Safety departments. Additionally, he was a volunteer for IFALPA, where he chaired the air traffic services committee.
Miguel joined the International Civil Aviation Organization in November of 2009 and has served the organization in various capacities during his tenure. He is currently Chief of the Operational Safety Section, which is responsible for the development of Standards, Recommended Practices, Procedures, and guidance material related to the operation, certification, and airworthiness of aircraft including, fatigue-related provisions. He is the lead in ICAO for Safety Operational Measures support to States associated with the COVID-19 contingency.
Gerda Pardatscher
Gerda Pardatscher joined ICAO on 1 April 2019 as the Technical Officer for Personnel Licensing. Before joining ICAO, she was the Senior Expert for aircrew licensing at the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). Prior to that, she held the position as the Manager for Personnel Licensing at the National Aviation Authority of Austria.
She gained industry experience while working as a licensing expert for SWISS International Airlines in the Flight Operations Department, as well as in the training organisation of Crossair, in Switzerland.
Ms. Pardatscher studied European Economics with a focus on European law and European languages. She also holds a private pilot licence for aeroplanes.
Nancy Amikura
Nancy Amikura is a civil engineer with a Master's Degree in Transportation and post-graduate work in Public Law. She joined ANAC, the Brazilian Civil Aviation Agency, in August 2008. She has focused her work mainly in the area of aerodromes, dealing with technical matters related to rulemaking and oversight of safety, security, and facilitation.
She has been seconded by Brazil to the ICAO Safety Management Programme since November/2019 and has supported the development of Doc 10144, ICAO Handbook for CAAs on the Management of Aviation Safety Risks related to COVID-19. Other projects she is working on include: the collection and development of examples and tools related to COVID-19 for sharing on the Safety Management Implementation website, safety risk management capacity building initiatives, and the development of an integrated risk management framework and guidance.