28 August 2020, 0900 EDT Montreal
Registration is closed. Recording is now available here.
ICAO and the UN have been actively collaborating on providing a platform to monitor and assess the impact of COVID-19 on Trade, Travel and Transport. This webinar will present:
- UN Global Platform and its network of experts
- Overview on the Dashboards on Trade, Travel and Transport
- ICAO dashboards on air transport
- Overview of the draft Aviation Satellite Account and value added calculation
Trade, travel and transport industries, Transport Ministries, Civil Aviation Authorities, International and Regional Organizations and Financial institutions
Ronald Jansen, Assistant Director, United Nations Statistics Division

Markie Muryawan, Chief, Trade Statistics Section, United Nations Statistics Division
Herman Smith, Chief, National Accounts Section, United Nations Statistics Division

Ananthanarayan Sainarayan, Chief, Aviation Data and Analysis Section, ICAO

Sijia Chen, Air Transport Officer, ICAO

Ronald Jansen
Ronald Jansen is Assistant Director of the United Nations Statistics Division in New York. He is responsible for the Division's work on data innovation and on capacity development strategies. This includes leading the intergovernmental processes for innovation of official statistics and implementing the capacity development pillar of the Cape Town Global Action Plan in support of the monitoring of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.
He is specifically supporting the work of the UN Global Working Group on Big Data for Official Statistics and the related UN Global Platform, which is a collaborative environment for the global statistical community to jointly execute data innovation projects and share data, services, methods and expertise.
His educational background is in Statistics and Psychology; obtained a PhD in mathematical modelling of human information processing in May 1990; then joined the UN Statistics Division in June 1990 in New York.
Markie Muryawan
Markie Muryawan is currently Chief of Trade Statistics Section of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD). As part of the trade statistics work program, he is responsible for its methodology and statistical classification, data - UN Comtrade database, capacity building activities in international trade statistics, and coordination with other organizations. He joined the United Nations in 2001, and then moved to UNCTAD as Chief of Statistical Production Unit in 2010 and returned to UNSD to take charge of the trade statistics section. In addition to IMTS, Mr. Muryawan is also active in the topics of International Trade and Economic Globalization and Big Data for Official Statistics and is currently leading the task team on AIS data.
Herman Smith
Herman Smith joined the United Nations in May 2005 and is responsible for the national accounts programme of the United Nations Statistics Division since December 2008. He has several years of experience in the compilation of national accounts data insuring the conceptual compliance, exhaustiveness and comparability of national accounts data. He contributes to the international coordination, development and implementation of the System of National Accounts (SNA), the international statistical standard for compiling the national accounts. He undertakes national accounts methodological research; drafts and updates normative standards, guidelines, training material and compilation guidance on national accounts and economic statistics; and manages a statistical capacity building programme for the implementation of the SNA and supporting statistics.
Ananthanarayan Sainarayan
Ananthanarayan Sainarayan is the Chief of Aviation Data and Analysis Section in the Air Transport Bureau at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Mr. Sainarayan is managing various ICAO data and analysis activities ranging from big data analytics, forecasting and air connectivity analysis to economic studies. He is a Chartered Accountant with degrees in commerce and finance and a Master in Business Administration. His professional experience prior to joining ICAO was in consulting and airline industry where he managed portfolios ranging from finance, Capex, audit, risk management to information systems.
Sijia Chen
Sijia Chen is an Air Transport Officer, Infrastructure Management in the Economic Regulatory Framework Section of Air Transport Bureau at ICAO. Ms. Chen works on various activities in the area of economic development of air transport. She is currently serving as the Secretary of the technical panels to develop policies and guidance on economic, financial, managerial and organizational aspects of airports and air navigation services as well as funding and financing for aviation infrastructure development.