26 May 2020 0700 EDT (Montreal time) / 1100 UTC /
1800 Bangkok
Registration is now closed.
Recording is now available here.
The new ICAO methodology for assessing and reporting runway surface conditions, commonly known as the Global Reporting Format (GRF), enables the harmonized assessment and reporting of runway surface conditions and a correspondingly improved flight crew assessment of take-off and landing performance. The 5 November 2020 applicability date for the GRF is fast approaching.
In partnership with key international organisations ICAO is supporting its Member States and stakeholders as they start their planning and preparing for the implementation. This webinar will be run as a panel discussion and will provide an opportunity to hear from different subject matter experts on implementation of the GRF.
Civil Aviation Authorities, Aerodrome Operators, Air Navigation Service Providers, Industry
Michiel Vreedenburgh, Programme Coordinator / Chief Technical Advisor, COSCAP South East Asia ICAO Asia and Pacific Regional Office, Bangkok, Thailand
Armann Norheim, Civil Aviation Authority, Norway
Vasileios Stefanioros, EASA
Lars Kornstaedt, Airbus

Michiel Vreedenburgh
Michiel Vreedenburgh is the Programme Coordinator of the ICAO COSCAP South East Asia Programme, based at the ICAO Asia and Pacific Regional Office in Bangkok, since 2018. He was previously the Chief of the Safety Implementation Planning and Support Section of the Air Navigation Bureau at ICAO Headquarters in Montreal, for five years. During the last twelve years, Michiel has been coordinating the global and regional collaborative provision of assistance to States in aviation safety and development, e.g. having established and coordinated the Aviation Safety Implementation Assistance Partnership (ASIAP), managing the ICAO SAFE Fund Technical Assistance Programme, designing the Global Aviation Safety Oversight System (GASOS) and establishing the Regional Safety Oversight Organisations (RSOO) Cooperative Platform. He was also the ICAO global Programme Coordinator for the Regional Aviation Safety Groups (RASGs), and coordinating the ICAO global Runway Safety Programme, etc. Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation (CAPSCA), and the Next Generation of Aviation Professionals (NGAP) programmes.
Armann Norheim
Since he entered the field of aviation in 1988, Armann Norheim has been working at aerodromes far south in Norway and up in the high arctic archipelago Svalbard situated north of mainland Europe. In 1995 he was tasked with quality assurance of the friction measurement services. Since then Armann has been pushing for an improved runway condition reporting and participated in international research projects. He was the driving force behind establishing (1988) a purpose built test track at Oslo airport for testing tools used for measuring surface friction characteristics. When ICAO established the Friction Task Force in 2008 he became its Rapporteur. The Friction Task Force were tasked with developing what has become known as the ICAO Global reporting system and format (GRF).
Vasileios Stefanioros
Vasileios (Hellenic national) started his aviation career in the Hellenic CAA in 1995 working at Kos Airport, and later at Airport Division and Flight Standards Division. In 1999 joined Athens Airport as Head Airside Operations and in 2005 he was appointed Head Aviation Safety Management System. Since January 2011 he is employed at EASA and his main area of expertise is Aerodrome Operations.
Vasileios is a regular member of the ICAO Friction Task Force, ICAO EUR All-Weather Operations Group and EUROCAE WG-41 'A-SMGCS'.
Vasileios is currently working on the implementation of the ICAO GRF into the EU Regulatory framework.
Lars Kornstaedt
Lars Kornstaedt obtained a Degree in Aeronautical Engineering from the Technical University of Braunschweig in Germany in 1997. He has been working as an aircraft performance engineer at Airbus Flight Operations Support for 20 years. In this position, he has been involved in the implementation of the Global Reporting Format in Airbus documentation and performance tools, in the operational aspects of developing the Runway Overrun Prevention System (ROPS) and of the Braking Action Computation Function (BACF) for automatic pilot reports based on data recorded by a landing aeroplane. He was a member of the FAA TALPA ARC part 25 group. He is rapporteur for the Annex 6 and 8 subgroup of the ICAO Friction Task Force. He is chairman of the EASA rulemaking task 269 and member of the task 704 for implementation of the GRF in European operational and certification regulation.