Session 3 of the ICAO DRONE ENABLE Webinar Series
11 March 2021, 0900 EST (90 minute webinar)
Registration is now closed. A recording of the webinar can be found here.
The objective of this webinar is to solicit input and discuss key-aspects related to the management of aeronautical information in a UTM environment. Specific issue to be discussed include:
1) understanding the specific roles and responsibilities assigned to the Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) provider in conjunction with other data service providers;
2) the scope of data and information to support UTM operations and associated requirements;
3) how data should be originated, processed and distributed to support UTM;
4) the technology required; and
5) what role should ICAO play in faciliating this service.
Expert speakers with various background, spanning from regulatory organizations, ATM and UTM service providers, industry, etc. will share their ideas and suggestions as well as discuss the challenges that need to be overcome.
Roberta Luccioli, ICAO
Stephane Dubet, DGAC France
Koen Meuleman, Unifly
Kristian Cruickshank, Airservices Australia
Joe Polastre, Airbus
Sean Greenwood, Canadian UAVs
Roberta Luccioli, ICAO
Roberta Luccioli is an Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) Technical Officer at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), appointed beginning July 2011. For many years she has been the ICAO Secretary of specialized expert groups on Aeronautical Information Management and Instrument Flight Procedure Design to promote the digital transformation of aeronautical information services provision as well as the implementation of Performance based navigation (PBN) procedures. In June 2020, Roberta has joined the Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) section in ICAO to investigate all the information requirements associated with unmanned aircraft operations. Roberta has a master's degree in environmental engineering from the University of Rome (Italy), "La Sapienza".
Stephane Dubet, DSNA France
Stephane DUBET is Head of International Coordination within AIS France at DSNA (the French ANSP). He chairs the EUROCAE / RTCA committee on aeronautical databases and is actively involved in the deployment of System Wide Information Management. He has been contributing to EASA work on data sets for UTM.
Koen Meuleman, Unifly
Koen Meuleman is co-founder of Unifly, a company providing world leading UTM solutions, and active in the world of drones for many years. He has a background in bio-science engineering and worked for more than 15 year as a remote sensing expert. As former president of the Belgian drone association he was closely involved in the implementation of the Belgian drone legislation. As Unifly's regulatory officer he's active in multiple EU/EASA drone expert groups, standardization bodies and associations.
Kristian Cruickshank, Airservices Australia
Systems thinker, safety focused, innovator, and technology fanatic – Kristian is an aerospace engineer with a genuine belief that technology holds the solution to many large societal problems. His experience exists at the nexus of structured, rigorous engineering and innovative, agile approaches. With a wealth of practiced skills in systems engineering, software safety, assurance of autonomous systems, and a passion for advanced and complex technologies, Kristian currently manages Airservices Australia's innovation incubator – the Integrated Airspace Program – responsible for UTM, Drone Surveillance, and stratospheric traffic management.
Joe Polastre, Airbus
Dr. Joe Polastre is the Project Executive of UTM at Acubed. He leads product strategy and roadmap for Airbus UTM, the group developing unmanned traffic management services that will allow new aircraft to safely enter and share the skies of our future. Prior to Airbus, he was a Presidential Innovation Fellow at The White House and went on to co-found 18F, the U.S. government's digital innovation team. Joe was also product lead at Medium and founded Sentilla, an analytics startup acquired by Ericsson. Joe holds a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley where he developed Internet of Things networking standards. In his free time, Joe is an instrument-rated private pilot and an avid sailor.
Sean Greenwood, Canadian UAVS
A commercial helicopter pilot and an economist by training, Sean Greenwood founded Canadian UAVS in 2015 as an aviation first, technology second unmanned systems operations company. By pioneering ground bases sense and avoid radar as a means to safely conduct BVLOS operations in Canada, Canadian UAVs has been able to advance regulatory and commercial goals as Canada's premier service provider. Most recently, Canadian UAVs were selected to conduct RTM trials in Canada with Transport Canada, Nav Canada, ISED and The Department of National Defence.