Visa Information



Visa Guidelines. The Host of ICAN/2012 has kindly accepted to support participants to ICAN/2012 in order to facilitate the issuance of Entry visa prior to their arrival to Je​​​​ddah, KSA. Procedures for Visa Application to Saudi Arabia by ICAN 2012 participants can be found here.


​For ICAN2012 participants who are accompanied by their spouses, please identify and include such spouses in the list of your delegation, and where applicable, apply the spouse visa along with the official by following the same procedures set out in the Visa Application Guidelines.


IMPORTANT: ALL PARTICIPANTS, including accompanying spouses, MUST OBTAIN their VISAS on their passports BEFORE travel to Jeddah for the Conference (except nationals of the GCC countries).  No entry into Saudi Arabia is allowed without a visa, and there will be NO VISAS issued on arrival at the airport.


For participants whose country does not have a Saudi embassy or consulate, please identify in your application the nearest country where you intend to submit your passport for the entry visa. To facilitate this exercise, you may find the list of Saudi embassies/consulates and related information at the KSA MOFA website by clicking the link below:


It is important to provide this information to the ICAO focal point when you ask for assistance for their visa application.



Should you have additional questions, please feel free to contact


Ms. Carmen Marcu at


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