ICAO Publication
Title and Document Number Doc #
Regulations and Procedures for the International Registry Doc 9864

en - English fr - Français
Reference Language

Cuming, Ronald C.C. (2006). The International Registry for Interest in Aircraft: An Overview of its Structure. Uniform Law Review/Revue de droit uniforme, XI(1), 14-53
Article reproduced with the permission of UNIDROIT


en fr

Regulations and Procedures for the International Registry. The International Registry for Interest in Aircraft: An Overview of its Structure. Uniform Law Review/Revue de droit uniforme, XI(1), 56-78
Article reproduced with the permission of UNIDROIT


Standell, Joseph R. (2006). The Role of the International Registry Task Force (I.R.T.F.) in the Development of the International Registry for Interests in Aircraft. Uniform Law Review/Revue de droit uniforme, XI(1), 4-13
Article reproduced with the permission of UNIDROIT
en fr


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