My Aviation Photo-Story Example Entries

Example 1

My sister and I have built a business with $100,000 monthly revenue from scratch, but it wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for one last-minute courier flight.


What do we sell? Gin. Locally brewed, by our family, from organic ingredients. Connoisseurs describe the taste as singular. Of course, fifteen years ago, when we got started, the local food trend was just beginning. And we almost missed it!


Jenny had miraculously arranged a meeting with a wholesaler in New York and had driven some samples down in the truck. Then, disaster struck: about twelve hours before the meeting, the truck was stolen from a suburban motel, and with it, our prized gin! I received a frantic phone call in the middle of the night with the bad news.


I began contacting courier companies and, to my great relief, learned I could place a case of our gin on a flight the next morning. Jenny picked it up at the airport cargo base in a taxi and then went straight to her meeting. The rest, as they say, is history! And guess what: we still use the same company for urgent air shipments, like the one shown here.

Example 2

This photo catches the split second before my wife almost called the whole thing off. Granted, maybe I should have been helping with the luggage and the kids rather than mucking around with my camera, but we’d been planning  this trip for years – almost decades in fact, since we met at Dusseldorf University, where I was a foreign student. Now, we’re a family of four, and although the prospect was daunting, we decided it was finally time for a family reunion back in Australia. After all, my parents had never met the sprogs!


And if it weren’t for the cheap-as-chips tickets you can get these days, who knows when we could have gone? Yes, while at this precise moment in the trip, our spur of the moment decision to run off to Sydney may have felt like a misplaced throwback to the carelessness of uni, look at the expression on my daughters face. She is spellbound.  And she was spellbound pretty much for the rest of the trip. Meeting nana and grandad was magical. Meeting KOALAS was magical. And all four of us will remember this modern day caravan moment for the rest of our lives (ok, maybe bubs won’t.)

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