Working Group of the Whole 04

collapse Category : Working Paper ‎(45)
AgendaItem.pdfAgenda Items ListSecretary
Flimsy1.pdfDetailed AgendaSecretary
ACF71E.pdf12.1Excepted Quantities: Packing RequirementsM. Hinoul
wp02.pdf22.4ICAO PI 602 VS. UN PI 620M. Hinoul
wp03.pdf32.7Separation of Class 1 Substances and ArticlesM. Hinoul
wp04.pdf42.7Segregation between Packages (Table 7-1) and Different Dangerous Goods Packed in One Package (Part 4;1.1.7)M. Hinoul
ACF401.pdf52.1EditorialM. Hinoul
ACF725.pdf62.4Amendment to Packing Instruction 900M. Evans
ACF727.pdf72.3Special Provision A97CEFIC
wp08.pdf82.4Packing Instruction 911CEFIC
ACF72C.pdf99Classification Criteria for Division 6.1 and Class 8G. Leach
ACF403.pdf102.8State VariationsG. Leach
ACF732.pdf112.5"Keep Away from Heat" Statement of Dangerous Goods Transport DocumentG. Leach
ACF734.pdf122.1Dangerous Goods Packages Opened by Customs and Other AuthoritiesG. Leach
ACF736.pdf132.5Orientation of Packages in an OverpackG. Leach
ACF738.pdf142.7Provision of Dangerous Goods Information to PassengersG. Leach
ACF73A.pdf152.1Carbon Dioxide, Solid in Excepted QuantitiesG. Leach
ACF73C.pdf162.5Dangerous Goods Transport Document - Declaration of QuantityG. Leach
ACF73E.pdf171Norification of Operator Variations by StatesG. Leach
ACF740.pdf185Denial of Shipments of Radioactive MaterialsIAEA
ACF904.pdf195Dangerous Goods Packed in Limited QuantitiesSecretary
ACF88A.pdf205World Convention of the Transport of Dangerous GoodsSecretary
ACF88C.pdf212.1Dangerous Goods Placed on Board to Provide, during Flight, Medical Aid to a PatientSecretary
ACF88E.pdf222.3Labelling of Packages Containing Organic PeroxidesJ. Code
ACF890.pdf232.5Application of Labels on Small PackagesM. Hinoul
ACF892.pdf242.3Dry Ice Contained in an Unit Load DeviceJ. Abouchaar
ACF894.pdf252.3UN 3166 - Engines, Internal CombustionJ. Abouchaar
ACF896.pdf262.5Marking of OverpacksJ. Abouchaar
ACF898.pdf272.3Net Quantity for GasesJ. Abouchaar
ACF89A.pdf282.4Packings for AerosolsJ. Abouchaar
ACF89C.pdf292.7Separation/Segregation of ExplosivesJ. Abouchaar
ACF89E.pdf302.3Forbidden SubstancesR. Richard
ACF405.pdf312.7Fuel Cell CartridgesR. Richard
ACF907.pdf325Emergency ResponseSecretary
ACFAAF.pdf332.4Exclusions in PI 650P. Steele
ACFAB1.pdf342.1Definition of an OverpackP. Steele
ACFAB3.pdf352.4Amendment to Packing Instruction Y818, 818 & 820M. Evans
ACFAB5.pdf362.3Amendment to Special Provision A70M. Evans
ACFAB7.pdf372.3Harmonization of Special Provision 98 with UN Special Provision 190R. Richard
ACFD17.pdf382.5Proposed Amendment to Division 6.2Secretary
ACF407.pdf392.4Packing Instruction Terms of Reference and CommentsR. Richard
ACF47D.pdf402.1Dangerous Goods TrainingJ. Abouchaar
ACF47F.pdf415Emergency Response Telephone NumberJ. Abouchaar
ACF481.pdf422.4Packagings for Self-reactive Substances and Division 5.2J. Abouchaar
ACF483.pdf432.3Carbon Dioxide, Solid in Limited QuantitiesJ. Abouchaar
collapse Category : Information Paper ‎(12)
IP.001.pdf1Formulation of a Working Group to Examine the Provisions of ICAO Technical Instruction Part 8 - Provisions Concerning Passengers and CrewJ. Code
IP.002.pdf2Limited QuantitiesSecretary
ACFD49.pdf3Air Transport of Infectious Substances - AttachmentIFALPA
IP.003.pdf3Air Transport of Infectious SubstancesIFALPA
IP.004.pdf4UN Papers on Infectious SubstancesJ. Code
ACF3C7.pdf5Overview on Denial of Radioactive Material ShipmentsJ. Code
IP.006.pdf6Canada’s Response to the Limited Quantity SurveyJ. Code
IP.007.pdf7Packing Instructions – Numbering LogicR. Richard
IP008.pdf86.3Passenger ExceptionsR. Richard
IP009.pdf95Incidents Involving BatteriesR. Richard
IP.011.pdf11Flammability Assessment of Bulk-Packed, Nonrechargeable Lithium Primary BatteriesR. Richard
IP.011Lithium Battery Fire Report.pdf11Flammability Assessment of Bulk-Packed, Nonrechargeable Lithium Primary Batteries - AttachmentR. Richard

For further information you may contact:

Dr. Katherine Rooney
Chief, Cargo Safety Section

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