DGP/28 Working Papers

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No.Agenda Item No. TitleLanguagePresented by
Agenda, Terms of Reference, Work Programme
Report of the Dangerous Goods Panel (DGP) Working Group Meeting (DGP-WG/20)

Report of the Dangerous Goods Panel (DGP) Working Group Meeting (DGP-WG/21)
44Deletion of Section II of Packing Instructions 965 and 968 D. Brennan
54 Packaging Standard for Lithium Batteries, Section IB and II D. Brennan
64Reduced State of Charge not Exceeding 30 Percent for UN 3480 through Packing Instruction 965 S. Schwartz
74Reduced State of Charge not Exceeding 30 Percent for UN 3481 through Packing Instructions 966 and 967 S. Schwartz
84Reduced State of Charge not Exceeding 30 Percent for Lithium Ion with Mass Exceeding 35 Kg through Packing Instruction 974 S. Schwartz
94Reduced State of Charge not Exceeding 30 Percent for UN 3481 through Packing Instruction 910 of the Supplement S. Schwartz
104Reduced State of Charge not Exceeding 30 Percent for UN 3171 S. Schwartz
1, 1.2​Draft Amendments to the Technical Instructions to Align with the UN Recommendations - Part 1

1, 1.2​Draft Amendments to the Technical Instructions to Align with the UN Recommendations - Part 2
1, 1.2​Draft Amendments to the Technical Instructions to Align with the UN Recommendations - Part 3
1, 1.2​Draft Amendments to the Technical Instructions to Align with the UN Recommendations - Part 4
1, 1.2​Draft Amendments to the Technical Instructions to Align with the UN Recommendations - Part 5

1, 1.2​Draft Amendments to the Technical Instructions to Align with the UN Recommendations - Part 6

17​​Not used
18​​Not used
1, 1.3​Draft Amendments to the Supplement to the Technical Instructions to Align with the UN Recommendations

1, 1.2​Draft Amendments to the Attachments to the Technical Instructions to Align With the UN Recommendations
2, 2.4​Draft Amendments to the Emergency Response Guidance for Aircraft Incidents Involving Dangerous Goods (Doc 9481) Agreed at DGP-WG/21 and to Align with the UN Recommendations
2​, 2.2Draft Amendments to the Technical Instructions to Address Air Specific Safety Risks and Identified Anomalies Agreed at DGP-WG/20 and DGP-WG/21
2​, 2.2
Draft Amendments to the Supplement Technical Instructions to Address Air Specific Safety Risks and Identified Anomalies Agreed at DGP-WG/20 and DGP-WG/21
244Prohibiting Passengers and Crew from Carrying Damaged or Defective Lithium Batteries in the Cabin or Checked Baggage S. Schwartz
254Requirement for Devices Containing Lithium Batteries to be Switched Off when Offered for Transport as Cargo S. Schwartz

2, 2.2Revisions to Packing Instruction Involving Gross Weight P. Guo
​2, 2.2
Corrigendum to DGP/28-WP/26
(English only)

272, 2.2Applicability of Dangerous Goods Within Division 4.1 in Limited Quantities P. Guo
282, 2.2Revisions to the Excepted Quantity Code E0 P. Guo
292, 2.2Revision to Packing Instruction Y960 P. Guo
2, 2.2Assignment of Special Provision A1 to UN 2881 P. Guo
312, 2.2Requirements for Dry Ice Loading P. Guo
322, 2.2Proposed Editorial Revisions to Technical Instructions
P. Guo
332, 2.2Revisions to Special Provision A136 P. Guo
342, 2.2Revision to Radioactive Material Classification as Excepted Packages P. Guo
352, 2.2Proposal to Add Special Provision A4 to the Entry UN2922 and A5 to UN2923 in Table 3-1 P. Guo
362, 2.2Provisions for the Use of Electronic Notices to Pilot-In-Command P. Guo
372, 2.2Provisions for Portable Insulin Refrigerators Powered by Lithium Batteries Carried by Passengers P. Guo
382, 2.2Revision to Calculation of the “Q” Value Requirement for UN 3316 P. Guo
392, 2.2Revision to Inner Packaging Material of Polyester Resin Kit
P. Guo
402, 2.2Deletion of Special Provision A206 D. Brennan
412, 2.2Revision to Required Special Provision Numbers on Transport Document D. Brennan
422, 2.2Precedence of Classification Environmentally Hazardous Substance vs Aviation Regulated Substance D. Brennan
432, 2.2Battery-Powered Mobility Aids
D. Brennan
​Not used
Damaged or Defective Lithium Battery Installed in Engine, Machinery, Vehicle or Life-Saving Appliance

​D. Brennan
Clarification of Packaging Performance for Section II of Packing Instructions 966 and 969

​D. Brennan
Requirements for Overpacks for Section II Lithium Batteries
​D. Brennan
3​Revision to Packing Instruction 962
T. Muller
​Large Articles Containing Dangerous Goods N.O.S.
T. Muller and D. Brennan
2​, 2.2
Special Provision A36
​T. Muller
2​, 2.2
​Corrigendum to DGP/28-WP/50
(English only)
​T. Muller


1, 1.2Miscellaneous Amendments Proposed to Address Alignment with the UN Model Regulations the Rapporteur of the DGP Working Group on UN Harmonization
​2, 2.2​Addition of Packing Groups to the Dangerous Goods List for Substances Forbidden on Passenger and Cargo Aircraft
​T. Muller
531,1.2,1.3 Review of DGP/28 Working Papers on UN Harmonization by the DGP-WG/UN Harmonization
the Rapporteur of DGP-WG/UN Harmonization
541, 1.2Revisions to the Requirements for Aerosols and Gas Cartridges to Align with the UN Recommendations (English only)the Rapporteur of the DGP-WG/UN Harmonization
1, 1.2Revisions to the Requirements for Aerosols and Gas Cartridges to Align with the UN Recommendations (English only)the Rapporteur of the DGP-WG/UN Harmonization
Proposed Revised Edition of Guidance Material for the Dangerous Goods Panel
(English only)​the Rapporteur of the DGP-WG/UN Harmonization
Alignment of Special Provisions A88 and A99 Of the Technical Instructions with Packing Instruction 974 of the Supplement
(English only)
​ T. Muller
Lithium Batteries Installed In Vehicles That Are Not Un 38.3 Tested
(English only)
​​ T. Muller
588Report of the Pre-DGP/28 Working Group Meeting the Secretary

For further information you may contact:

Dr. Katherine Rooney
Chief, Cargo Safety Section
E-mail: CSS@icao.int

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