Turkey RRSS

Turkey Regional Runway Safety Seminar
In Collaboration with ICAO's
Runway Safety Programme Partners
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                             6 to 8 November 2013
                             Istanbul, Turkey - Courtyard by Marriott Hotel, Istanbul International Airport



Aviation professionals who should attend include:
  • Regulators
  • Aircraft operators and pilots
  • Air navigation service providers and ATCs
  • Aerodrome operators
  • Aircraft Manufacturers
  • Other aviation professionals interested in improving runway safety


The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), in partnership with the Turkish Civil Aviation Authority, Eurocontrol and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) invites its Member States, participants, sponsors and exhibitors to the Europe and Middle East Regional Runway Safety Seminar – Istanbul, Turkey.
ICAO and its Runway Safety Partners are committed to presenting Regional Runway Safety Seminars (RRSSs) across the globe over the next two years to promote the establishment of Runway Safety Teams (RSTs) as a means of addressing runway safety issues. Be part of an important regional event that will bring together experts from diverse professional domains to promote a multidisciplinary approach to improving runway safety outcomes in Europe and the Middle East.


 ‭(Hidden)‬ Guide












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