NGAP Speed Networking

It's all about finding your match



The NGAP Speed networking is designed to accelerate contacts and quickly develop professional relationships. The objective of this activity is to prepare the next generation of aerospace professionals by allowing them to meet today’s experts and executives from various aerospace fields.


Through this exercise, young professionals and students will be able to meet and engage with experts and executives who are involved in careers of interest to them.


Who is this for

This activity is primarily for students and young professionals



How it works

The activity will be conducted over 30 minutes within 5 groups. 3 students or young professionals will meet 5 different NGAP mentors, each for 5 minutes. The maximum number of participants is 15 per one session i.e. 3 NGAPs per mentor in each round.

The registration will be open from the 1st day of the symposium during the break. Each participant will be given a short biography about the NGAP mentors. The opening of the speed networking is expected at 15:00, the 19th March. The groups and the first table will be assigned to each participant.

At 15:05, the very speed networking will begin. The end of each 5 minute period will be announced by the bell and NGAP groups will change the tables. The expected time for the change is less than 1 minute.

How to prepare
This activity provides a mutual experience that differs from standard business meetings. This particular activity is meant to be a venue to share, learn and meet in an informal, fast but also relaxed way. Time is very scarce, so it is highly encouraged to be prepared and be on point.

For Students / Young Professionals
Make sure to study and learn about the mentors from the summary provided. Don’t be afraid to ask questions - clarify what you want to know about a particular field or expertise, and ask for any recommendations on how to get there.  

For Mentors
Speed networking is a mutual experience. We recommend you to ask the young professional / student their own point of view, and on how they perceive the world of aerospace transport and what got them interested in the field.
Mentors will be assigned to each table according to their field of activity/expertise.



The most important thing is to have fun - relax, learn and enjoy getting to know one another!


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