ICAO/ACI Obstacle Limitation Surfaces Symposium (OLSS 2021)

ICAO/ACI Obstacle Limitation Surfaces Symposium (OLSS 2021)

8 - 10 December 2021
Virtual/Online ,
Registration is closed


The ICAO Twelfth Air Navigation Conference (2012) and the 38th Session of the ICAO Assembly (2013) called for a comprehensive review of the obstacle limitation surfaces in Annex 14 — Aerodromes, Volume I — Aerodrome Design and Operations, and the development of guidance for conducting aeronautical studies to assess permissible penetrations to the surfaces. To this end, ICAO has carried out extensive work and detailed studies over the past six years and is now proposing significant changes and improvements to the OLS. to the joint International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)/Airports Council International (ACI) Obstacle Limitation Surfaces Symposium (OLSS 2021) aims at increasing international awareness of the proposed changes and obtaining feedback from States and industry prior to ICAO adoption for global applicability.
The materials, presentations and panel discussions of the symposium will provide a platform for ICAO to engage with concerned stakeholders such as States, aerodromes, air navigation service providers, airlines, town and land-use planners, and pilots, on the proposed new obstacle limitation surfaces (OLS) concept, including associated aeronautical studies.
Specific objectives: 
1. Increase global awareness on the proposed new OLS concept; 
2. Share the reasons for the changes to the existing OLS concept; 
3. Share the principles and rationale used in arriving at the proposed new concept; 
4. Share the guidance on conducting aeronautical study; 
5. Create awareness of the benefits of the proposed change; and 
6. Obtain feedback on the new OLS concept and its implementation. 
Through achieving these objectives, ICAO expects that States and concerned stakeholders will be better prepared to meet an eventual applicability date.
Contact Information: ols@icao.int  


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