Implementation Package (iPack)
States face various challenges in effectively implementing international standards to ensure aviation safety, efficiency, security, and sustainability.
The implementation packages (iPacks) are a comprehensive solution, designed to provide a standardized package of expert consultation, guidance material, and training tools that States need to implement ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), across different projects, effectively.
ICAO can assist States with developing, updating, and implementing their civil aviation plans.
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Contact us to learn how we can help you
Key components
iPacks consist of several key components that work together to facilitate the implementation of ICAO provisions. These include: |
Expert consultation
iPacks offer consultative support of a subject matter expert for a duration of 15-20 days. Subject matter experts can guide, review, provide clarification, and support States in their activities. |
A standardized, competency-based training course will be provided for
up to 12 technical specialists, enabling States to better confront their specific implementation challenges. |
Guidance material
Our carefully curated guidance material includes ICAO annexes, manuals, guidance documents, and Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS) to ensure States have the complete library of resources they need. |
Each iPack includes a unique set of tools to assist States with their implementation goals by conducting a gap analysis against the ICAO State Safety Plan (SSP) framework. |
iPacks provide unrivaled value, with prices starting at only $13,800.
Our latest, customized iPacks: |
Aerodrome Certification (virtual) Priced at $58,400
Developed in partnership with Airports Council International (ACI), the goal of this iPack is to aid State Civil Aviation Authorities (CAAs) and airport operators in addressing the technical challenges related to the development and implementation of an aerodrome certification programme. | |
Accident/Incident Data Reporting ) Priced at $19,500
This iPack assists civil aviation entities in implementing an accident and incident reporting system in their State. | |
State Safety Programme Priced at $29,200
This iPack assists States, CAAs, and organizations in implementing an SSP using a project-oriented approach. | |
National Aviation Safety Plan (implementation) Priced at $21,900
This iPack assists CAAs in defining how their State measures safety performance so they can monitor the implementation of their National Aviation Safety Plan (NASP) and its effectiveness.
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Coming Soon
Assistance to Aircraft Accident Victims and their Families
Implementing the ICAO TRIP Strategy Roadmap
This iPack assists States, CAAs, and organizations in implementing an SSP using a project-oriented approach. | |
| Who can benefit from iPacks? Overall, ICAO iPacks have the potential to benefit a wide range of stakeholders within the aviation community, facilitating a safer, more efficient, and sustainable operating environment. Those who may benefit include: -
Airport authorities/operators
Air navigation service providers
Civil aviation authorities
Accident Investigation Authorities
Ministries of Transportation
Aviation industry and trade associations