1.  ​The SAFE serves as a mechanism for the collection and use of voluntary contributions from States and other donors to support ICAO safety programmes in a responsible, consistent, transparent, efficient and timely manner. In addition, the ICAO Council considered that the SAFE would provide a framework in which the activities previously conducted under the IFFAS could be undertaken more efficiently. Subsequently, the Council dissolved the IFFAS and recommended contributors to transfer the remaining IFFAS funds to the SAFE.

  2. Many donor States have pledged and/or contributed to the SAFE since its establishment. The earmarked contributions are used for the purpose stipulated by the donor, while unremarked contributions are used for projects selected, prioritized and approved by SAFE Project Review Committee (PRC). 

  3. The PRC has been established for the SAFE as stipulated in the ICAO Policy on Voluntary funds. The PRC has the mandate to review project proposals and make recommendations for allocations of the SAFE funds. Members of the PRC are responsible for providing policy and guidance on the design of projects and for reviewing submitted projects. The PRC makes recommendations to the Secretary General on the allocation of funds to projects based on the validity of each proposal and its adherence to funding criteria. The PRC has met periodically since the establishment of the SAFE and to date. 

  4. The PRC has been working on, among other things, potential funding for project proposals developed for the implementation of ICAO Plans of Action tailored to those States with Significant Safety Concerns (SSCs) and serious safety deficiencies identified by the Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP). 

  5. A list of assistance projects in need of funding are posted on the Safety Collaborative Assistance Network (SCAN) website. Member States and groups of States are encouraged to submit projects proposed for funding, while donors are invited to contribute to the SAFE to provide financial and technical support for the effective implementation of safety projects in need of funding.





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