DGP/26 Information Papers

en - Englishfr - Françaises - Españolru - Русский
No.Agenda Item No. TitleLanguagePresented by
16,6.3Report of the Second Meeting of the Cargo Safety Group (CSG) the Secretary
26,6.3Hazard-Based System for Classification of Lithium Batteries the Secretary
46,6.3 New Dangerous Goods List Entry for “Lithium Batteries Installed in Cargo Transport Unit” (UN 3536) PRBA – The Rechargeable Battery Association
56,6.3 Approval for Damaged and Defective Lithium Batteries PRBA – The Rechargeable Battery Association
66,6.2 Report of the Working Group on Reporting the Chairman of the DGP Working Group on Reporting

For further information you may contact:

Dr. Katherine Rooney
Chief, Cargo Safety Section
E-mail: CSS@icao.int

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