Environmental Tools and Models

ICAO Environmental Tools (E-TOOLS)

ICAO develops and maintains many Environmental tools that are made available to States and the general public. These tools support the development of State Action Plans, the implementation of the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) and support initiatives to reduce aviation carbon footprint. More details on how to obtain and use these tools can be found here.


Models and Databases

One of the main tasks of ICAO's Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP) is to identify and carry out analyses of the future trends and various options available to limit or reduce the current and future impact of international civil aviation noise and emissions. The aim of these analyses is to assess the technical feasibility, the economic reasonableness, and the environmental benefits, as well as the interdependencies of the options considered. In doing so, CAEP has relied on the use of a variety of computer-based models and databases offered by Member States and international organizations that participate in CAEP. More details on these models and databases can be found here.

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