Progress on ICAO's Strategic Objectives — Air Navigation Capacity and Efficiency — Air navigation capacity and efficiency priorities

Air navigation capacity and efficiency priorities


Global air navigation priorities


The Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) supports the development and deployment of a high-performing air navigation system. At AN-Conf/13, the GANP vision, performance ambitions and conceptual roadmap were discussed and the GANP was welcomed by the aviation community.


The Conference embraced the evolution of the GANP towards a web-based platform which will give better visibility and will facilitate communication of the GANP content to all aviation and non-aviation stakeholders.


Performance-based Navigation (PBN)


PBN Charting


In November 2014, Amendment 6 to PANS-OPS Vol II became applicable and introduced a change to the way the PBN Approach Chart Identification was published. Many States have already begun to implement the new chart identification, and a number of new charts have been published in the State AIP. However, two issues were observed; the flight management system (FMS) not being updated to match the new chart identifications; and the air traffic management (ATM) system wide implications of a patchwork approach to implementation.


The global transition plan was completed as part of Circular 353, Transition Planning for Change to Instrument Flight Procedure Approach Chart Identification from RNAV to RNP. This circular presents a framework for a coordinated global transition plan to minimize the system-wide impact of the chart change. Central to the successful implementation of this plan is coordination between the PIRGs, the States within the region and the regional offices.


Flight Procedure Programme (FPP)


The Flight Procedure Programme (FPP), established by ICAO in coordination with States, serves to accelerate implementation of performance-based navigation (PBN) and realize the benefits for safety, access, and efficiency, and reduced environmental impact. A third FPP is in the process of being established the MID Region. Two established FPPs are in the Asia-Pacific and AFI Regions.


The Technical Arrangement between ICAO and France on the Contribution of France to ICAO Programmes for the Global Implementation of PBN was signed in April 2018. The first meeting of the PBN/FPP TA Steering Committee was held on 11 October 2018. The meeting developed high-level requirements and planned actions for coordination with French Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC) to support FPPs in 2019.


Performance-based communication and surveillance


The Council approved proposals for amendment to the Regional Supplementary Procedures (Doc 7030) for the Asia and the Pacific and North Atlantic Regions, to support the implementation of the performance-based communication and surveillance (PBCS) framework as well as performance-based separation minima in accordance with the applicable provisions of Annex 6 — Operation of Aircraft, Part I — International Commercial Air TransportAeroplanes, Part II — International General Aviation — Aeroplanes, and Part III — International Operations — Helicopters, Annex 11 — Air Traffic Services, and Procedures for Air Navigation ServicesAir Traffic Management (PANS-ATM, Doc 4444).


The PBCS framework ensures that the level of communication and surveillance performance required for specific air traffic management (ATM) operations (e.g. reduced separation) is managed based on globally accepted specifications (required communication performance (RCP) and required surveillance performance (RSP)). It also enables and encourages all stakeholders concerned (regulators, air traffic services providers, operators, communication service providers, and manufacturers) to collaborate in optimizing the use of available airspace as well as in identifying and mitigating safety risks.


Space weather information service


In follow up to the Meteorological (MET) Divisional Meeting (2014) (MET/14), Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) for space weather information service in Annex 3 — Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation were adopted. The Council subsequently designated space weather information service providers as follows:


    • Global space weather information service providers — ACFJ consortium (comprising Australia, Canada, France and Japan), the PECASUS consortium (comprising Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom), and the United States;
    • Regional space weather information service providers (to be established no later than November 2022) —China/Russian Federation consortium and South Africa.


The goal of the service is the provision of information on space weather phenomena which have an impact on high frequency (HF) radio communications, communications via satellite, global navigation satellite system (GNSS)-based navigation and surveillance, and radiation exposure at flight levels. The global and regional centres’ implementation and the cost of provision of service will be reviewed in 2022, and the optimal number of global and regional space weather information service providers will be reassessed by 2027.

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