Supporting Implementation Strategies — Legal Services and External Relations — General Work Programme of the Legal Committee

Protocol to Amend the Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft

Promotion of Aviation Security Instruments

Safety Aspects of Economic Liberalization and Article 83 bis

Consideration of Guidance on Conflicts of Interest

General Work Programme of the Legal Committee

International Interests in Mobile Equipment (Aircraft Equipment)

ICAO Relations with Third-party Entities

Committee on Relations with the Host Country (RHCC)


General Work Programme of the Legal Committee


Pursuant to the decision taken at the fifth meeting of its 203rd Session, the Council amended the General Work Programme of the Legal Committee to read as follows:


  1. Acts or offences of concern to the international aviation community and not covered by existing air law instruments;
  2. Consideration of Guidance on Conflicts of Interest;
  3. Safety aspects of economic liberalization and Article 83 bis;
  4. Study of legal issues relating to remotely piloted aircraft;
  5. Consideration, with regard to CNS/ATM systems including global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), and the regional multinational organisms, of the establishment of a legal framework;
  6. Promotion of the ratification of international air law instruments; and
  7. Determination of the status of an aircraft.
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