​Fifth Meeting of the APIRG Information and Infrastructure Management Sub-Group (IIM/SG/5), 

Virtual Meeting, 26 - 29 July 2022




​GNSS Monitoriing Form

​NAV Project Questionnaire


​Invitation letter

​Draft Agenda

​Explanatory note

​Information bulletin

​ToRs od IIMSG

​List of Projects coordinators Admin

​Working papers Template

Working Papers

​Agenda Item 1 - Adoption of agenda and the work programme
​ ​
​WP 1.1
​Adoption of the Agenda

​​​Agenda Item 2 - Status of implementation of Conclusions & Decisions IIM/SG4 and APIRG/24​ ​
​WP 2.1
​Review IIMSG4 Conc Dec

​Appendix 1 - Review IIMSG4 Conc Dec

​WP 2.2
​APIRG24 Conc and Decisions applicable to the IIMSG

​Appendix 1 Conc_Dec of the APIRG24

​​​Agenda Item 3 - Achievements in AIM, CNS, and MET​ ​
​WP 3.1A1
​​Identification of ASBU elements applicable to AFI Region

​Appendix 1 ASBU applicable Elements in AIM

​Appendix 2 ASBU applicable Elements in CNS

​Appendix 3 ASBU applicable Elements in MET

WP 3.1A2
​Update on the ASBU Data collection Tool

​Appendix 1 ASBU Data collection tool template

WP 3.1A3
​Status of ASBU applicable Elements

​Appendix 1 Status of applicable ASBU Elements in AIM

​Appendix 2 Status of ASBU applicable Elements in CNS

​Appendix 3 Status of ASBU applicable Elements in MET

​​WP 3.1A4
IIMSG Challenges

​WP 3.1A5
​Alignment of IIM Projects to the GANP

​Appendix 1 ASBU applicable Threads

​Appendix 2 Key Performances Areas

​Appendix 3 COM 1 Project

WP 3.1B1
​Summary of achievements of AIM1

​Summary of achievements of AIM3

​WP 3.1B4
​Reframe AIM Projects

​Appendix 1 AIM 4 - Project description

​Appendix 2 AIM 5 - Project description

WP 3.1C3
​ Summary of achievements of COM3

WP 3.1C4
​ Summary of achievements of COM4

WP 3.1C5
​Summary of achievements of COM5

​​WP 3.1C6
Summary of achievements of SURV

​Appendix 1 ToR of SURV Project

​Appendix 2 NAV Project Questionnaire

WP 3.1C8
​Summary of achievements of SPEC

WP 3.1C10
​Outcomes of the CBA SBAS

​Appendix 1 Cost Benefice Analysis

WP 3.1C11
​ICAO Position for the ITU WRC 23

WP 3.1C12
​Radio altimeters Frequency band 4.200 – 4.400 GHz

WP 3.1C13
​Interferences on GNSS frequency band 1.559-1. 610 GHz

WP 3.1D1
​Summary of achievements of MET1

​Appendix 1 Reframing of Projects

​Appendix 2 MET1 Implementation Status

WP 3.1D2
​Summary of achievements of MET2

WP 3.1D3
​Summary of achievements of MET3

WP 3.1D4
​Align MET Projects activities to the GANP by SA

WP 3.1D5
​Align MET Projects activities to the GANP

​Appendix 1 Align MET Projects to the GANP

WP 3.1D6
​Reframe MET Projects activities

​Appendix 1 MET1

​Appendix 2 MET2

​Appendix 3 MET3

WP 3.2A
​Status of implementation of ASBU elements in ASECNA

WP 3.3A
​Update on the development of Volume III of AFI eANP

​Appendix 1 AFI eANP VoL III_Draft Template

​WP 3.4A
Outcomes of the AFI VOLCEXSG1 Meeting

​Appendix 1 AFI VOLCEX 2021_01 Report

​Appendix 2 Update of the ToR of AFI VOLCEX-SG

​Appendix 3 AFI Volcex-SG1 Report

​Appendix 4 Future Work Schedule of the AFI VOLCEX SG

WP 3.4B
​NCPI and TFP Role and Responsibility

​Appendix 1 Role and Responsibility of States NCPI and TFP

WP 3.4C
​Outcomes of the 5th Meeting of the African ANSP

​Appendix 1 Outcomes

​Appendix 2 Future work programme

​​​Agenda Item 4 - Air Navigation Deficiencies​ ​
​WP 4.1
​Update on the implementation of the AANDD Tool

​​​Agenda Item 5 - Review of the Terms of Reference and Work Programme of the Sub-Group
​WP 5.1
​Review of the Work programme of the IIMSG5


​Work programme

​Progress on the implementation of CODEVMET-AFI Project

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