MET Task Force

Aeronautical Meteorology (MET) Task Force


Following up on Conclusion NACC/DCA/10/10: "Participation of States in the implementation of air navigation issues", in order to promote MET implementation initiatives in the NAM/CAR Regions and streamline the MET assistance mechanism to regional level, the Secretariat of the NACC/WG recognized the efforts that the NACC/WG has made to integrate the Aeronautical Meteorology (MET) field and create a structure capable of streamlining and aligning the work and guaranteeing the creation of a more efficient air navigation system among States of the NAM/CAR Regions, highlighting the importance of collaborative work in the framework of the construction of Volume III of the Regional Air Navigation Plan, which will guide the work and specify the expectations of the NACC/WG for work on MET.


In this regard, during the NACC/WG/07, States approved that:


a) a MET Task Force (TF) be established within the NACC/WG structure, to support MET implementation in the regions and lead MET assistance activities that support compliance with the NACC/WG Terms of Reference (ToRs) and Work Programme;

b) the MET programme (see below) be used, as an initial guidance tool for regional MET implementation planning in accordance with the requirements of ICAO Annex 3; and

c) the ICAO NACC Regional Office take the necessary measures (creation of ToRs, work programme and other measures associated with the establishment of a TF) to ensure the proper establishment of the NACC/WG/TF/MET and convene its first virtual meeting by 15 February 2023.



  1. Promote the implementation of MET service for international air navigation as provided by Annex 3, included in the Electronic Regional Air Navigation Plans (eANPs) and under the Basic Building Blocks (BBBs) and Aviation System Block Upgrade (ASBU) frameworks.
  2. Ensure the continuous and coherent development of the MET component of the NAM and CAR/SAM e-ANPs and their harmonized implementation within adjacent regions.
  3. Develop effective methods to determine the implementation status of the ASBU Block-0 and Block-1 elements and BBBs, to monitor the performance of the MET services on a cyclical annual basis.
  4. Enhance the States' capabilities concerning safety oversight of MET Service providers.
  5. Identify and support the resolution of air navigation deficiencies in the aeronautical meteorological (MET) services.

Rapporteur: Mr. Juan Carlos Ramos Soto
Coordinator: Mr. Luis Sánchez

Terms of reference
Work Programme ​​ ​e-Documents

 MET/TF Meetings

First MET Task Force Meeting (MET/TF/01), On-line, 16 March 2023


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