Credentials and Full Powers



                        It is envisaged that the Conference will establish a Credentials Committee. In accordance with Rule 2 of the Provisional Rules of Procedure (DCTC Doc No. 2) and established international practice, Credentials are to be issued either by the Head of State or Government or by the Minister for Foreign Affairs. Furthermore, Delegations wishing to sign the instrument or instruments to be adopted by the Conference should present Full Powers to do so signed by the Head of State or Government or by the Minister for Foreign Affairs. Credentials and Full Powers may be combined in one instrument, but credentials alone do not suffice for the purpose of signing the instrument or instruments adopted by the Conference. To facilitate the preparation of the letter of credentials and full powers, a sample letter is available hereunder. Only originals of these documents will be accepted; facsimile copies or scanned electronic copies are not acceptable. Credentials for international organizations are to be issued by the head of the organization concerned.




                                   LETTER OF CREDENTIALS AND FULL POWERS


                         I have the honour to inform the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization that the following officials have been duly accredited to represent      _     (Name of State) at the Diplomatic Conference to be held in      _     (name of the city) from     __     (date of the Conference) 2014, to finalize and adopt a Protocol to Amend the Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft (Tokyo 1963):


(Names of officials and an indication of their respective capacities as Chief Delegate, Alternate Chief Delegate, Delegate, Alternate or Adviser)


I further authorize      _ _    (Names of the officials so authorized), having full powers, to sign on behalf of the Government of      __     (Name of State), the international legal instrument or instruments which the Conference may adopt.
Done in                 (Place of signature) this                 (Day and month) 2014. 


(Signed by:
Head of State,
Head of Government, or
Minister of Foreign Affairs)



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