Eighth Meeting of the MIDANPIRG Communication, Navigation and Surveillance Sub-Group (CNS SG/8)

(Cairo, Egypt, 26-28 February 2018)
​Invitation Letter     
​List of Participants
Final Report           
​All Documentation
​WP #​Agenda Item #​WP Title  ​
1​1Provisional Agenda and Election of Chairpersons
​2​2​Review Follow-up Actions on MIDANPIRG/16 Conclusions and Decisions relevant to CNS SG
​33​​Frequency Management
​4​3​PBCS Implementation Issues
​5​4Challenges and Mitigation of Security Issues Associated with using ADS-B Surveillance System
​64Regional OPMET Center (ROC) and iWXXM Implementation
​7​4Common Aeronautical Virtual Private Network Project (CRV) ​
​8​4Status of SITA AMHS Gateway Interconnections and Transition to AMHS within ICAO MID Region​
​9​4AIDC/OLDI Implementation
10​4​GNSS Planning and Implementation
114​Surveillance Plan​
124​​ATM Data Security in the MID Region
​13​4MID Region Air Navigation Strategy Parts related to CNS
​14​4MID Air Navigation Plan (MID eANP)
​15​4Harmful Interference​

MID Region Backup Consideration For Ground-To-Ground Voice/Data Communication​

174​MID Region PBN Implementation Plan
184​Enhancements to MLAT System at Cairo Airport
​19​5CNS Deficiencies in the MID Region
​20​6Future Work Programme
​1List of Working and Information Papers​
​2​Order of Business and Work Programme
​1​3Outcome of the Interregional Seminar on “Service Improvement through Integration of Digital AIM, MET, and ATM Information
2​4​Common aeRonautical VPN Project (CRV)
34IATA Users Requirements for Air Traffic Services(URATS)
44Steps for enabling SITA AMHS Transition into ICAO MID Region​
54GNSS Vulnerability Workshop - Summary of Discussion
​6​4Egypt Surveillance Plan​
​7​4​Khartoum Com Centre Plan for Connecting MID & AFI Regions
 8 4 ADS-B coverage​
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