(Cairo, Egypt, 15 - 18 May 2017)
​Invitation Letter
List of Participants​
AIM SG/3 Working and Information Papers 
WP # ​Agenda Item ​WP Title   ​
1​ 1 Revised Agenda and election of Chairperson(s)
​2 ​2 MIDANPIRG/16 and MSG/5 Conclusions and Decisions relevant to AIM
​33​PfA to restructured Annex 15 and the New PANS AIM
​43MID NCLB Strategy
​53​Update on AIS/AIM from IFAIMA
6​​4MID Region Air Navigation Report-2017
​7​4MID Region AIM Implementation Roadmap
​84​Guidance for AIM Planning and Implementation in the MID Region (MID Doc 008)
​9​4MID Air Navigation Strategy - B0-DATM Elements and Targets
​10​4MID eANP
114​Towards B1-DATM and SWIM
​124​AIRAC Adherence Monitoring
​13​4Posting of AIS Products on the web
​144PBN Charting
​15​4Indication of speed restriction on Charts and coding tables
​16​5AIM deficiencies in the MID Region
​17​6Future Work Programme
​18​4AIM Data Cascading Effect
​IP#Agenda Item IP Title​
​1List of Working and Information Papers
2Daily Order of Business and Work Programme
​34​AIM-related Accidents and Incidents
AIM SG/3 Presentations
​PPT #Agenda Item​PPT Title​
PPT 13GANP 2016 (5TH Edition)
PPT 24​AIM Implementation in UAE
PPT​ 3​4​AIM Implementation in Oman
​PPT 4​4​AIM Implementation in Saudi Arabia
​PPT 5​4​AIM Implementation in Qatar
​PPT 6​4​AIM Implementation in Sudan
​PPT 7​4​AIM Implementation in Egypt
PPT 84AIM Implementation in Iran​​
PPT 94AIM Implementation in Bahrain
PPT 103ICARD Issues
​​PPT 114AIM Implementation in Jordan
PPT 124AIM Implementation in Lebanon​
MIDAD TF/4 Working and Information Papers
​IP/WP#Agenda Item IP&WP Title​
IP 1List of Working and Information Papers
WP 11​Revised Agenda and Election of Chairperson
​​WP 22​MIDAD Project
WP 3​2MID Implementation Plan (MIDIP)
WP 43Future Work Programme
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