Fourth Meeting of the MIDANPIRG Steering Group

MSG/4 Meeting

(Cairo, Egypt, 24-26 November 2014)

​Invitation Letter
​WP # ​Agenda Item # ​WP Title   ​
1​ 1 Provisional Agenda
​2 ​2 Review of MIDANPIRG/14 Follow-up Action Plan​
​3 3 Contingency Planning​
​4 4​ MID Region Statistics and Forecasts​
​5 ​4

Methodology for reporting and assessing the progress related to the transition from AIS to AIM

​6 ​4 ​​MID Region AIM Implementation Roadmap
7​ 4​​ ​MID Region ATM Enhancement Programme (MAEP)
​8 ​4 MID IP Network
​9 ​4 Integrated Flight Plan Processing System (IFPS)​
​10 ​4 MIDAD Project
​11 4​ ​MID Region Air Navigation Strategy
​12 ​4 ​MET Planning Matter
​13 ​4 Establishment of the MID ROC​
​14 4​ ​Progress achieved in the development of the MID eANP
15​ ​4 MID Region High Level Airspace Concept​
16​ ​4 ​MID Region PBN Implementation Plan
​17 ​4 MID Region ​​Surveillance Strategy
​18 ​4 ​​AIDC/OLDI Implementation in the MID Region
​​19 ​4 ​MIDAMC Operation
20​ ​5 ​RASG-MID activities
​21 5​ ​Call Sign Confusion
22​ ​6 ​Review of Air Navigation deficiencies
23​ ​7 ​TORs of MSG, CNS and PBN Sub-Groups
24​ ​8 ​ICAO MID Office Tentative Schedule of Meetings, Seminars and Workshops
25 8 Future Work Programme​
26 3 Global Air Navigation Plan (Doc 9750) Review and Update
IP# Agenda Item # IP TITLE
​1 ​List of Working Papers and Information Papers
​2 ​Daily Order of Business
3 ​4 Development of an ICAO single set of forecasts and impact on the customized sets
​4 4​ ​Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM)
​5 ​4 ​Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS)
​6 ​5 ​MIDRMA Height Monitoring Activities
​7 ​5 ​MID RVSM SMR 2014 Initial Results
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