CMA USOAP EUR/NAT, Paris, France - 11 to 13 September 2018

​An ICAO Workshop on the Continuous Monitoring Approach (CMA) of the Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) for the European and North Atlantic Regions was held at the ICAO EUR/NAT Office in Paris, France, from 11 to 13 September 2018. The objectives of this Workshop were to provide States with updated information on the USOAP CMA, and hands-on training on the latest CMA online framework tools.



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This workshop, led by the ICAO Chiefs, Oversight Support Unit  and Safety and Air Navigation Audit Section, was attended by 48 participants from Albania, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Republic Of Moldova, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and EASA.

Participation was representative of personnel involved in the USOAP CMA activities and/or working on the online framework, especially members of State National Continuous Monitoring Coordinator (NCMC) teams.


The workshop was also aimed to allow States to better prepare for USOAP CMA audits, ICAO Coordinated Validation Missions (ICVMs) and other activities by understanding steps for corrective Action Plan development and update, Protocol Questions Self-assessment process, instruction on notifying differences electronically and other CMA processes and online framework modules.

For workshop materials please visit the ICAO EUR/NAT official webpage

More information on the ICAO USOAP Continuous Monitoring Approach (CMA) is available at

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