5th meeting of the Regional Aviation Safety Group for the ICAO European Region (RASG-EUR/05)

Member states approved the RASG-EUR 2015 Safety Report, reviewed the safety targets for the ICAO European region (EUR region) and assessed the progress on the implementation of safety enhancement initiatives (SEIs) launched in areas of the EUR region not covered by the EU/EASA regulatory framework.


On the 4th of November 2016, more than 70 participants representing 32 States, 10 international and regional organizations and several airlines, active in the ICAO European Regional Aviation Safety Group (RASG-EUR) approved, with appreciation, the RASG-EUR 2015 Safety Report and reviewed the safety targets and metrics for the ICAO EUR Region.  The meeting assessed as well the progress of the implementation of several safety enhancement initiatives (SEIs) launched in areas of the region not covered by the EU/EASA regulatory framework.


The agreed regional safety targets relate to:

  • the improvement of the accident rate in commercial air transport;
  • the strengthening of the resources of the Civil Aviation Authorities (CAAs);
  • the strengthening of States’ systems for certification, surveillance and resolution of safety concerns;
  • the prevention and early resolution of significant safety concerns;
  • the full implementation of State Safety Programmes (SSP); and
  • the investigation of accidents in commercial air transport.
The following safety enhancement initiatives (SEIs) are currently under implementation by specific ICAO EUR Regional Expert Safety Teams (IE-REST):
a)      SEIs related to pilot training;
b)      SEIs related to runway safety;
c)      SEIs related to Flight Data Analysis (FDA) Programmes;
d)      SEIs related to taxonomy and occurrence reporting/safety data analysis;
e)      SEIs related to the improvement of safety for helicopter operations;
f)       SEIs related to the improvement in the area of safety oversight for Air Navigation Services;
g)      SEIs related to the prevention of Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT)
The RASG-EUR, which is the Regional Safety Group having competence on the ICAO EUR Region, met for the first time in January 2012. It is the only comprehensive aviation safety forum covering the whole area of the ICAO EUR Region and aims at fostering coordination and cooperation between all aviation safety stakeholders. The RASG-EUR/05 considered as well proposed actions to consolidate and streamline the EANPG and RASG-EUR working structures and agreed to investigate solutions leading eventually to the creation of an unique European Aviation System  Planning Group, in order to optimise the use of resources at the regional level targeted for the implementation of the ICAO GANP and GASP  objectives. RASG-EUR will convene again in a combined/back-to-back meeting together with the EANPG tentatively from 30 October to 3 November 2017. 

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