Third meeting of the EUR/NAT Aviation Security Group (ENAVSECG/03) - Paris, France 9 to 11 July 2014

Paris 9 to 11 July 2014
51 participants representing 16 States, 8 International/Regional organizations and 6 Aviation Security Training Centers from the EUR/NAT regions attended the meeting  and discussed a wide range of relevant topics in the field of Aviation Security (AVSEC) .
The ICAO strategic objective for the triennium 2014 to 2016, placing AVSEC and Facilitation on equal footing, plays a significant role in approaching AVSEC requirements , requesting the international community to further improve AVSEC by avoiding additional burden for the travelling public and all involved.
Coordination and cooperation within a State, between States and between States and Industry gains even higher importance to develop sustainable risk based security systems on national, regional and global level. Working better with what we have is the idea in implementing given requirements and facing new challenges such as cybersecurity.
The meeting provides the only opportunity for intensive regional wide exchange of expertise and discussions between Eastern and Western European-, Central Asian and North African States and organizations. A catalogue of 18 joint meeting conclusions was developed and successfully agreed upon to be the foundation of further steps forward in addressing AVSEC needs in the region. 
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