Efforts are under way in various States to develop and deploy new screening technology at airports capable of detecting hazardous substances within liquids, aerosols and gels (LAGs).
In the meantime, the threat posed by LAGs has been addressed by issuing security control guidelines for carry-on LAGs, including specifications for secure tamper-evident bags suitable for in-flight and airport purchases.
The volumetric controls that currently apply to LAGs were developed and disseminated by ICAO following the unveiling in 2006 of a terrorist plot to sabotage aircraft in-flight by assembling an improvised explosive device using hazardous ingredients carried in seemingly ordinary LAGs.
In October 2008, States were provided with guidance material to help ensure that the security control guidelines for LAGs are implemented in a harmonized manner worldwide.
Security tamper-evident bags (STEBs) were developed to allow an exemption to volumetric controls for liquids purchased at airport retailers or on board aircraft and carried by transfer passengers. Details concerning their production, of particular interest to potential suppliers, are available on the linked pages.
As the use of liquid explosives remains a significant aviation security concern, the current ICAO guidelines on security controls for LAGs are effective in mitigating the threat posed by liquid explosives and should remain in effect and universally implemented by all Member States until effective, efficient and widely adoptable detection technology becomes available that will facilitate the gradual replacement of the current restrictions.
Please contact asp@icao.int for any inquiries relating to LAGs and STEBs.