DCAS Doc Series

International Conference on Air Law
Beijing, 30 August to 10 September 2010
Conference Documents
DCAS Doc Series 



en - English fr - Français es - Español ru - Русский ar - عربية zh - 中文


DCAS Doc Series
Doc No. Title Language

DCAS Doc No. 1

Provisional Agenda en fr es ru ar zh

DCAS Doc No. 2

Provisional Rules of Procedures en fr es ru ar zh

DCAS Doc No. 3

Draft Consolidated Text of the Montréal Convention of 1971 as Amended by the Airports Protocol of 1988 with Amendments Proposed by the Legal Committee en fr es ru ar zh

DCAS Doc No. 4

Draft Consolidated Text of the Hague Convention of 1970 with Amendments Proposed by the Legal Committee en fr es ru ar zh

DCAS Doc No. 5

Options paper for amendment of Article 4 of the Montreal Convention en fr es ru ar zh

DCAS Doc No. 6

Proposed Amendments en fr es ru ar zh

DCAS Doc No. 7

Introduction of the Offense of "Concealment" [Encubrimiento] to Replace the Offense of "Transporting Fugitives" en fr es ru ar zh

DCAS Doc No. 8

Drafting Proposal for the Establishment of Jurisdiction Based on Nationality of the Offender en fr es ru ar zh

DCAS Doc No. 9

Comments on the Proposed Amendments to the Montreal Convention, 1971 as Amended by the Airports Protocol of 1988 en fr es ru ar zh

DCAS Doc No. 10

Transport of certain materials offence and the use of civil aircraft for proliferation purposes en fr es ru ar zh

DCAS Doc No. 11

Essential corrections and additions to the draft texts prepared by the Legal Committee en fr es ru ar zh

DCAS Doc No. 12

Proposals en fr es ru ar zh

DCAS Doc No. 13

The Views of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) on the Proposed Instruments to Address New and Emerging Threats to Civil Aviation - Available in English only en          

DCAS Doc No. 14

Proposal for deletion of Article 4 TER of the Montreal Convention of 1971 as amended by the Airports Protocol of 1988, with amendments proposed by the Legal Committee en fr es ru ar zh

DCAS Doc No. 15

Comments on the Draft Protocols to the 1971 Montreal Convention and the 1970 Hague Convention en fr es ru ar zh

DCAS Doc No. 16

Possible forms of instruments to be adopted at the Diplomatic Conference on Aviation Security en fr es ru ar zh

DCAS Doc No. 17

Final Act en fr es ru ar zh

DCAS Doc No. 17
Addendum No. 1

Addendum No. 1 en fr es ru ar zh

DCAS Doc No. 17

Revised en fr es ru ar zh

DCAS Doc No. 18

Draft Protocol Supplementary to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Siezure of Aircraft en fr es ru ar zh

DCAS Doc No. 19

Draft Convention on the Suppression of Unlawfuel Acts Relating to International Civil Aviation en fr es ru ar zh

DCAS Doc No. 20

Report of the Credentials Committee en fr es ru ar zh

DCAS Doc No. 20

Addendum en fr es ru ar zh

DCAS Doc No. 21

Convention on the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Relating to International Civil Aviation en fr es ru ar zh

DCAS Doc No. 22

Protocol Supplementary to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft en fr es ru ar zh







Drafting Committee Doc Series

Doc No. Title Language

DCAS Dc Doc No. 1

Draft consolidated text of the Montreal AConvention of 1971 as amended by the Aiprorts Protoles of 1988 with amendments proposed by the Drafting Committee en fr es ru ar zh

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