Remote Pilot Licence Implementation Advisory Group (RPLI-AG)

​The 39th Assembly, held from 27 September to 7 October 2016, noted the wide support for the work of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) on Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) and agreed that ICAO should develop guidance material to support safe RPAS operations.


On 9 March 2018, the Council of ICAO adopted Amendment 175 to Annex 1 —Personnel Licensing containing new provisions on remote pilot licensing, competency-based training and assessment and associated medical provisions. As a result of this amendment, there is a need to review and make consequential updates to related ICAO guidance material. To assist with this task, the Secretariat has established the Remote Pilot Licence Implementation Advisory Group (RPLI-AG).


The objective of the Remote Pilot Licence Implementation Advisory Group (RPLI-AG) is to:


  1. evaluate the scope of the guidance material necessary to implement the remote pilot licence;
  2. identify parts of ICAO guidance documentation that should be modified with the introduction of the remote pilot licence;
  3.  identify gaps that need to be covered;
  4. propose new guidance material or amendments to existing manuals;
  5. develop an update of the Manual on Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) (Doc 10019) which provides guidance for the training and licensing of remote pilots; and
  6. develop the content of an implementation workshop (one-day workshop).


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