Changement climatique : Carburant alternatifs

The use of sustainable alternative fuels is a key part of the basket of measures under consideration by ICAO Member States to achieve the aspirational goal of stabilizing emissions from international aviation at their 2020 levels. ICAO is actively engaged in activities facilitating, on a global basis, the promotion and harmonization of initiatives that encourage and support the development of sustainable alternative fuels for international aviation.


  1. Why introduce alternative fuels in aviation?
  2. What are sustainable alternative jet fuels?
  3. What are the potential environmental benefit of alternative fuels?
  4. Which alternative fuels can currently be used?
  5. What are the challenges for the development and deployment of alternative fuels?
  6. What are the initiatives worldwide for the development of alternative fuels?
  7. What is ICAO doing in the field of alternative fuels?



                Facts & Figures


Access to the Global Framework for Aviation Alternative Fuels (GFAAF), the living ICAO comprehensive database on alternative fuels developments in aviation.

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