Crew Module - Layover


Ensure that all crew that need to layover or transit at an outstation are aware of the measures necessary to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19. 

Reference should be made to the ICAO Electronic Bulletin EB 2020/30 or as amended for the most up-to-date guidance.


Layover/ transits

Crew members who are involved in flights with a layover, should not be medically quarantined or detained for observations while on layover or after returning, unless they were exposed to a known symptomatic passenger or crew member on board or during the layover.

If crews need to layover or transit at an outstation, air operators should ensure compliance with relevant public health regulations and policies together with measures identified by a risk assessment conducted by the operator that takes account of specific local conditions.

In the absence of a risk assessment, air operators should implement the following:

  • Commute arrangements (between airport and hotel, if needed): The air operator should arrange for the commute between the aircraft and the crew’s individual hotel rooms ensuring hygiene measures are applied and the recommended physical distancing, including within the vehicle, to the extent possible.
  • At accommodation: 
    a)  At all times, the crew must comply with relevant public health regulations and policies.
    b) There should be one crew member per room, which is sanitized prior to occupancy.
    c) The crew, taking account the above, and insofar as is practicable, should;
        i. Avoid contact with the public and fellow crew members, and remain in the hotel room except to seek medical attention, or for essential activities including exercise, while respecting physical distancing;
        ii. Not use the common facilities in the hotel;
        iii.Dine in-room, get take-out or dine seated alone in a restaurant within the hotel, only if room service is not available;
        iv.Regularly monitor for symptoms including fever; and
        v. Observe good hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene and physical distancing measures when needed to leave the hotel room only for the reasons specified in (i), (iii) or in emergency situations.
  •  Crew members experiencing symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 during layover or transit should:
         a) Report it to the aircraft operator and seek assistance from a medical doctor for assessment of possible COVID-19.
         b) Cooperate with the assessment and possible further monitoring for COVID-19 in accordance with the evaluation procedure implemented by the State (e.g. assessment in the hotel room, or an isolation room within the hotel, or alternative location).
  • If a crew member has been evaluated and COVID-19 is not suspected in accordance with the above procedures implemented by the State, the air operator may arrange for the crew member to repatriate to base.
  • If a crew member is suspected or confirmed as a COVID-19 case by the State and isolation is not needed by the State, such crew member could be medically repatriated by appropriate modes of transport; if there is agreement to repatriate the crew member to home base.

Means for uniform implementation

  • Ensure that these considerations are fully supported by:
    • The applicable non-governmental agencies
    • Public health, Immigration and Customs agencies
    • Civil Aviation Authorities
  • A high degree of collaboration between airport operators and their associated stakeholder community.
  • Associated policy, procedures and training are developed to reinforce the importance of these considerations.
  • Use the Crew COVID-19 Status Card (PHC Form 1) or a similar one when appropriate.
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