Crew Module - Flight Crew


Provide harmonised health protection and sanitation considerations applicable to Flight Crew which can be implemented globally.


  • Access to the flight deck should be limited to the greatest extent possible.
  • Flight crew members should only leave the flight deck for short physiological breaks and scheduled rest.
  • In the case of flight crew at controls displaying symptoms, flight crew should don medical masks and the operator should consider whether removal from the flight deck is an appropriate mitigation within their risk assessment and refer to established procedures to identify whether a diversion is needed.
  • Non-medical or medical masks, as defined by the airline, should be worn by flight crew and by others who enter the cockpit. The airline or operating Flight Crew will complete an appropriate risk assessment before determining if masks will be removed after the flight deck door has been closed. Masks should be used whenever they leave the flight deck.
  • Airlines should ensure that non-medical or medical masks worn by crew, can be removed rapidly so that oxygen masks can be placed unhindered on the face, properly secured, sealed, and supplying oxygen on demand and that crew are provided with the correct guidance on how to do so. When leaving the flight deck, all items should be stowed, personal items removed, and flight deck made ready for cleaning and disinfection.
  • Prior to each cockpit crew change, the flight deck should have been fully cleaned and disinfected.
  • In-person interactions with the cabin crew should be reduced to a minimum.
  • If possible, only one person should be designated to be able to enter cockpit when necessary.
  • Only one member of the flight crew or technical crew should be allowed to disembark the aircraft to complete the external inspection, refuelling, etc. In such case direct contact with the ground crew should be avoided.

Means for uniform implementation

  • Ensure that these considerations are fully supported by:
    • The applicable non-governmental agencies.
    • Public health, immigration and customs agencies.
    • Civil Aviation Authorities.
  • A high degree of collaboration between airport operators and their associated stakeholder community.
  • Associated policy, procedures and training are developed to reinforce the importance of these considerations.
  • Use the Crew COVID-19 Status Card (PHC Form 1) or a similar one when appropriate.
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